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KPM Analytics



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SpectraStar™ XT NIR Analyzer Series

KPM Analytics

The SpectraStar™ XT NIR Analyzers Series offers exceptional accuracy and reliability for rapid in-lab and on-line compositional analysis of solids, powders, forages, grains, liquids, slurries and other products.  Thousands of experts from quality labs and production facilities already benefit from its excellent measurements on moisture, protein, fat, sugar and fiber analysis, ash, fatty acids and lignin.

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AgriCheck Whole Grain Analyzer Series

KPM Analytics

The AgriCheck series is a high-precision NIR instrument dedicated to grain analysis. With its dedicated calibration libraries, the AgriCheck provides fast, accurate and reliable measurements of the major components of whole grains: moisture, protein, starch, oil, fiber, gluten, zeleny, amylose, FFA and other parameters. Producers, millers and processors benefit from the quality of AgriCheck at an attractive price. 

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