General Lab Products & Reviews

Trusted information for laboratory scientists on General Lab products and techniques on SelectScience, including incubators, autoclaves, light microscopy and pH meters.

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13 mm Non-sterile Millex Filter Units


This 13 mm syringe filter with a Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone membrane, for non-sterile filtration, has a 0.45 micron pore size used in preparation of aqueous & mild organic solutions prior to chromatography or other instrument analyses.

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MagniSolv™ deuterated solvent


Indispensable for NMR spectroscopy Unlocking the molecular structure of organic molecules is central to understanding how they interact with other molecules. This is especially critical in genomics, proteomics and drug discovery research. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technique allows scientists to “see” molecular structure and dynamics. MagniSolv™ deuterated solvents are a key tool for the NMR technique. MagniSolv™ deu…

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NovaSeptum Sampling System


A sterile, closed, disposable system for sampling fluids from sterile and aseptic processes The unique NovaSeptum sampling system is ideal for general fluid and cell culture sampling from aseptic and sterile processes. Both systems can be configured for high purity or autoclavable sampling applications and as single or multiple sampling units. A wide range of holders and connectors are also available. •  Closed sampling elimin…

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EMD ReCycler™


Containers Make Sense EMD Millipore ReCycler™ Containers guarantee solvent purity and meet the needs of the scientific community by eliminating the need to dispose of large volumes of glass bottles, styrofoam packaging inserts and corrugated cartons. Today, EMD Millipore ReCycler™ containers are available in sizes from 18.9L (5 gallon) to 1250L for the many diverse scientific applications from laboratory to small-scale manufac…

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Clarisolve® Depth Filters


The Clarisolve® depth filter is a novel clarification tool with a gradient density structure specifically designed to the particle size distributions of pretreated feed streams. Offering improved volumetric capacity and reduced turbidity over current available depth filters, the clarification step of pre-treated feeds can be processed in a significantly reduced footprint without the need for a secondary stage of clarification…

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