Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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Fibroblast Growth Factor basic, human recombinant


Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (bFGF) is a heparin binding growth factor which stimulates the proliferation of a wide variety of cells including mesenchymal, neuroectodermal and endothelial cells. bFGF also exerts a potent angiogenic activity in vivo. Human bFGF is a 17.2 kDa protein containing 154 amino acid residues. Xu, et al. demonstrated that bFGF synergizes with the BMP antagonist noggin to sustain undifferentiated proli…

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Fibroblast Growth Factor basic, human Animal-Free recombinant


Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (bFGF) is a heparin binding growth factor which stimulates the proliferation of a wide variety of cells including mesenchymal, neuroectodermal and endothelial cells. bFGF also exerts a potent angiogenic activity in vivo. Human bFGF is a 17.2 kDa protein containing 154 amino acid residues. Xu, et al. demonstrated that bFGF synergizes with the BMP antagonist noggin to sustain undifferentiated proli…

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Fibroblast Growth Factor basic, human recombinant (mg qty.)


Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (bFGF) is a heparin binding growth factor which stimulates the proliferation of a wide variety of cells including mesenchymal, neuroectodermal and endothelial cells. bFGF also exerts a potent angiogenic activity in vivo. Human bFGF is a 17.2 kDa protein containing 154 amino acid residues. Xu, et al. demonstrated that bFGF synergizes with the BMP antagonist noggin to sustain undifferentiated proli…

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Stem Cell Factor, recombinant human


Stem Cell Factor (SCF) is a hematopoietic growth factor that exerts its activity at the early stages of hematopoiesis. SCF stimulates the proliferation of myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid progenitors in bone marrow cultures and has been shown to act synergistically with colony stimulating factors. Recombinant human SCF is an 18.4 kDa protein containing 165 amino acid residues corresponding to the soluble secreted form of SCF.

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Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, recombinant human


M-CSF is a potent hematopoietic factor produced by a variety of cells including lymphocytes, monocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, myoblasts and osteoblasts. It is involved in development, differentiation, and survival of blood monocytes, tissue macrophages and their progenitor cells. The human is reactive in murine systems, but the murine molecule exhibits no activity on human cells.

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Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 165, recombinant mouse


Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF) is a homodimeric protein secreted by a variety of vascularized tissues. The reported activities of VEGF include stimulation of endothelial cell growth, angiogenesis, and capillary permeability. Chemicon's mouse VEGF is a 39 kDa homodimeric protein consisting of two 165 amino acid polypeptide chains comprising the full length mouse VEGF164 sequence and an N-terminal methionine resi…

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Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, recombinant human, 165aa isoform


Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF) is a secreted homodimeric protein secreted by a variety of vascularized tissues. The reported activities of VEGF include stimulation of endothelial cell growth, angiogenesis, and capillary permeability. Human VEGF is a 38.2 kDa homodimeric protein consisting of two 165 amino acid polypeptide chains.

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Fibroblast Growth Factor-8, recombinant human


Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 (FGF-8) is a heparin binding growth factor that stimulates the proliferation and activation of cells that express FGF receptors. Recombinant Human FGF-8 is a 22.4 kDa protein containing 193 amino residues.

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BAFF, recombinant human


Human BAFF (B-cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family) is a novel ligand in the TNF family. BAFF plays an important role as co-stimulator of B-cell proliferation and function. Recombinant human BAFF is a soluble 17.0 kDa protein containing 153 amino acid residues, comprising the TNF-like extracellular domain of BAFF.

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