Environmental Products & Reviews

Environmental monitoring and testing assess the quality of our air, water, soil, and overall ecosystems. Using advanced technologies and analytical methods, environmental scientists collect and analyze samples to measure levels of pollutants, contaminants, and other factors impacting environmental health. By monitoring changes over time and identifying potential risks to human health, this field plays a vital role in informing policy decisions and implementing effective mitigation strategies. Explore how environmental monitoring and testing contribute to safeguarding our planet's well-being and promoting sustainable development.

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NanoTemper Technologies



Prometheus Panta for biologics stability profiling with particle sizing and molecular weight determination by NanoTemper Technologies

NanoTemper Technologies

Prometheus Panta monitors the thermal stability, turbidity, and dispersity of a protein sample, and provides the highest-resolution, highest-quality data for ranking and selecting candidates. Prometheus Panta outputs critical quality parameters about your therapeutic proteins of interest, including: their hydrodynamic radius, molecular weight, self-association propensity, and deltaG of unfolding.

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Monolith X for Immobilization-Free Binding Affinity Measurements

NanoTemper Technologies

Monolith X is a capillary-based system that enables you to measure the strength of molecular interactions in solution, without the need for immobilization. Minimal impact fluorescent labelling empowers you to measure Kds between a wide variety of targets and ligands using low amounts of sample. Enjoy approachable assay development with a fully guided process embedded in the default software.  

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