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New England Biolabs Inc.



1 kb DNA Ladder

New England Biolabs Inc.

A number of proprietary plasmids are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 10 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The digested DNA includes fragments ranging from 0.5-10.0 kilobases (kb). The 3.0 kb fragment has increased intensity to serve as a reference band. The approximate mass of DNA in each of the bands is provided (assuming a 0.5 μg load) f…

|4 Reviews

phi29 DNA Polymerase

New England Biolabs Inc.

phi29 DNA Polymerase is the replicative polymerase from the Bacillus subtilis phage phi29 (Φ29). This polymerase has exceptional strand displacement and processive synthesis properties. The polymerase has an inherent 3´→5´ proofreading exonuclease activity. Source: An E. coli strain that carries the phi29 DNA Polymerase gene from bacteriophage phi29 Applications: •Replication requiring a high degree of strand displacement and/…

|1 Review

NEBNext® Ultra™ Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®

New England Biolabs Inc.

The NEBNext® Ultra™ Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® contains enzymes and buffers that are ideally suited for cDNA library preparation for next-generation sequencing. NEBNext® reagents are a series of highly pure reagents that facilitate sample preparation of DNA or RNA for downstream applications such as next generation sequencing and expression library construction. The reagents included within these master mi…

|1 Review

SignalFire ECL Reagents

New England Biolabs Inc.

Western blotting is a widely used technique to detect levels of protein expression in cell or tissue extract. This technique measures protein levels in a biological sample through antibody binding to a specific protein of interest.   Features: Detects Small Amounts of Protein – delivers a sensitive and robust signal for standard protein detection Convenient, Cost-effective 500 ml Sizing – means you can p…

|2 Reviews

Streptavidin Magnetic Beads

New England Biolabs Inc.

Streptavidin Magnetic Beads are 1 µm superparamagnetic particles covalently coupled to a highly pure form of streptavidin. The beads can be used to capture biotin labeled substrates including antigens, antibodies and nucleic acids.

|1 Review

EnGen sgRNA Synthesis Kit

New England Biolabs Inc.

The EnGen sgRNA Synthesis Kit,  S. pyogenes  provides a simple and quick method for transcribing high yields of sgRNA in a single 30-minute reaction, using the supplied reagents and target-specific DNA oligos designed by the user.

|1 Review


New England Biolabs Inc.

Having supplied restriction enzymes to the research community for over 45 years, NEB has earned the reputation of being the leader in enzyme technologies.  Working continuously to be worthy of that distinction, NEB strives to develop enzyme of the highest purity and unparalleled quality.  Time-Saver™ qualified for digestion in 5-15 minutes 100% activity in rCutSmart™ Buffer (over 215 enzymes are available in the same b…

|1 Review