Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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OZ Biosciences




OZ Biosciences

Powerful transfection reagent, based on an innovative biochemical method. Next generation of outstanding transfection reagent,  highly efficient, universal and multipurpose.

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OZ Biosciences

For all nucleic acids and all transfection conditions.The universal and powerful PolyMag formulation allows achieving very high transfection efficiency. It is composed by magnetic nanoparticles coated with cationic molecules. Exclusive and optimized PolyMag reagent has been successfully tested with:- All nucleic acids types: naked DNA, RNA, siRNA, ODN, etc…- Cell lines, primary and hard to transfect cells- Adherent and suspens…

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OZ Biosciences

CombiMag improves your transfection reagent efficiencyCombiMag reagent has been designed to be employed in association with all transfection reagents complexed with any types of nucleic acids. All cell types, even hard-to-transfect and primary cells, can be transfected using CombiMag associated to any working reagent, even if its original efficiency is low.CombiMag has been associated with many existing transfection reagents i…

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OZ Biosciences

FlyFectin ™ is a specifically designed and very efficient transfection reagent for insect cells. Innovative and unique, FlyFectin ™ is: •  Highly efficient with excellent reproducibility•  Multipurpose (various types of nucleic acids)•  Ideal for recombinant protein production with Baculovirus expression system•  Simple, Ready-to-use and Rapid•  Compatible with and without serum-containing culture media•  Non toxic•  Economi…

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Bradford - Protein Assay Kit

OZ Biosciences

B-Pak, is a straightforward and rapid procedure for determining the concentration of protein in solution. Thanks to an optimized Bradford reagent formulation, B-Pak gives precise determination of protein concentration even in the presence of detergent, allowing the use of this kit for transfection experiments. In addition, this kit can be used for all protein concentration measurement due to a superior linearity of response: f…

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OZ Biosciences

Issued from Magnetofection™ technology, ViroMag is a specific formulation designed to be used in association with all viral vectors and for many transduction applications. For the first time, scientists will be able to increase transduction efficiency, infect non permissive cells, concentrate virus onto cells or in culture medium or synchronize infection without modification of the viruses, just by associating ViroMag reagent…

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OZ Biosciences

VeroFect™ is a powerful reagent dedicated to the transfection of Vero cells. This lipid -based transfection reagent is issued from the revolutionary Tee-Technology and achieves up to 50-55% transfection efficiency. The complexes formed by DNA and VeroFect™ reagent have an exceptional capacity in destabilizing cell membranes, allowing the delivery of important DNA amounts into cells. VeroFect™ was specifically designed to obtai…

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Lullaby - siRNA transfection reagent

OZ Biosciences

Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent is the ideal reagent dedicated to the transfection of siRNA. Based on an innovative technology, this new lipid-based reagent achieves extremely efficient siRNA delivery into cells. Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent protects siRNA from extracellular degradation and has an outstanding capacity to destabilize cells membrane, allowing delivery of important siRNA amounts into the cytosol. T…

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