Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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peqSTAR Thermocyclers


istretto (1x 32) constitute a complete range of PCR machines. Originally called peqSTAR, these machines manufactured in Germany by Peqlab integrated in 2014 to the VWR group, are now part of the brand VWR ® Collection.  All thermal cyclers are certified "Appli'Ozyme PCR". As part of this certification, Ozyme ensures that embedded machines and software meet the most demanding standards on the market and work optimally for a…

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