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PG Instruments Ltd



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T80 Series UV/Vis Double Beam Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

UV/Visible Double Beam Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190 - 1100nm. Standalone use with built in LCD display and keypad allows Photometric, Spectrum Scanning and Quantitative programs and printing options. Alternatively full instrument functionality, control and data acquisition can be achieved with UV/Win 5 PC software. The instrument is supplied with an 8 sample position motorised cell changer with a single ref…

|1 Review

T70 Series UV/Vis Split Beam Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

UV/Visible Split Beam Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190 - 1100nm. Standalone use with built in LCD display and keypad allows Photometric, Spectrum Scanning and Quantitative programs and printing options. Alternatively full instrument functionality, control and data acquisition can be achieved with UV/Win 5 PC software. The instrument is supplied with an 8 sample position motorised cell changer. Supplied with 2 m…

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T60U UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

UV/Visible Split Beam Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190 - 1100nm. Cost effective solution for standalone use with built in LCD display and keypad allows Photometric analysis with optional Spectrum Scanning, Quantitative, Kinetics, DNA/Protein and Water Quality program cards.Full instrument functionality, control and data acquisition can be achieved with UV/Win 5 PC software. The instrument is supplied with an 8…

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T60V Visible Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

Visible Split Beam Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 325 - 1100nm. Cost effective solution for standalone use with built in LCD display and keypad allows Photometric, Spectrum Scanning and Quantitative analysis. Full instrument functionality, control and data acquisition can be achieved with UV/Win 5 PC software. The instrument is supplied with an 8 sample position motorised cell changer and 2 glass cells. Various o…

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T90+ Double Beam Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

UV/Visible Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190 - 900nm. Double beam system using a chopper assembly, czerny-turner monchromator and photomultiplier detector. Variable 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5nm band width. Standard specification include single sample and reference position arrangment. Available with a comprehensive selection of accessories for a variety of applications including Integrating Sphere, Specular Refle…

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T100 Field Portable Spectrophotometer

PG Instruments Ltd

Field Portable Spectrophotometer. Features a touch screen display and separate software suite. The instrument is supplied in a light weight GRP carry case which includes a comprehensive selection of accessories for field and on line measurements. Includes a selection of pre-programmed methods for water quality and environmental anlysis. Further user defined methods can easily be configured. Supplied with 10 & 20mm probe tips,…

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