Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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Promega Corp.



Wizard® Plus Megapreps DNA Purification System

Promega Corp.

Wizard® Plus Megapreps DNA Purification System provides a simple and rapid method for large-scale purifications of plasmid DNA that eliminates the need for cesium chloride:ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation. Use of this system requires only a centrifuge, a vacuum source and a vacuum manifold. The system yields greater than one milligram of high-copy-number plasmid DNA (200–20,000bp) from a 1,000ml culture in less than th…

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