Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Drug discovery > Basic Research
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Sartorius Group



NutriStem® hPSC XF Media

Sartorius Group

Xeno-free, serum-free stem cell culture media designed to support the growth and expansion of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESC), and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC).  

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MSCgo™ Differentiation Media

Sartorius Group

Serum-free, xeno-free media for the efficient and reproducible differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells to osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. The MSCgo™ family of differentiation media is complete and ready-to-use with optimized differentiation protocols.

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HEK Media

Sartorius Group

Our high performing HEK media are designed to best fit with the high variability of HEK293 cell lines, the versatility of AAV and complexity of viral vector processes from early clinical phases to large commercial scale.  

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CellGenix® Growth Factors and Cytokines

Sartorius Group

Animal-free recombinant cytokines for the efficient and reproducible activation, expansion, and differentiation of human cells. These raw and ancillary materials are widely used in the field of cell and gene therapy as well as regenerative medicine.

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NutriStor® Cold Storage Solution

Sartorius Group

Enables storage and shipping of cells at non-frozen temperatures without compromising their stability. NutriStor® is an animal component-free (ACF), protein-free solution designed for short-term storage of highly sensitive cells at 2-8ºC during clinical applications and procedures, clinical trials, and cell shipment.

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