Spectroscopy Products & Reviews

Spectroscopy enables researchers to identify chemical compounds, determine molecular structures, and understand fundamental properties of samples through the analysis of absorption, emission, or scattering of light or other forms of radiation. From infrared (IR spectroscopy) to ultraviolet (UV-visible spectroscopy) wavelengths, spectroscopy plays a vital role in various scientific fields. Explore how spectroscopy drives innovation and discovery across diverse research areas.

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Tomtec Inc.




Tomtec Inc.

Two Autogizer Models• Model 700 includes five Model 200 homogenizers(1/5 hp 5,000 to 30,000 rpm) • Model 701 includes four Model 250 homogenizers(3/4 hp 10,000 to 30,000 rpm)Also available with 1 to 5 sonic probes. Flexibility• Can run individual tubes or full racks Fully Programmable Row by Rowwith multiple operator set programs• Up and Down Cycling with height settings• Rate of Cycling• Timing of Cycling Advanced Cutter…

|2 Reviews