UVItec Products & Reviews


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UVIproChemi Chemiluminescence/Fluorescence Documentation System


High quality, chemiluminescence and Fluorescence imaging system for ultra-high sensitivity imaging of chemiluminescence and fluorescence labelled samples System includes ultra-high sensitivity and low noise, efficiently cooled CCD camera. Sample tray for chemiluminescence positioned close to camera for the highest sensitivity with this application. The camera is cooled directly (on-chip) by two-stage, forced air…

|1 Review

UVIdoc GAS9500 Stand-alone Gel Documentation System


NEW, UPDATED 2005 model, including CompactFlash card drive, Network capability and 12-bit image file generation (for increased sensitivity and accuracy of analysis). High quality, Stand-alone video imaging system with simple push button operation for rapid optimisation and capture of images from fluorescent gels and blots, visible stained gels and blots, autoradiograms, microtitre plates and colony plates.…

|1 Review

UVIpro Gold GAS7400 Gel Documentation System


High quality, PC based video imaging system for rapid and simple acquisition and analysis of images from fluorescent or visible stained gels and blots, autoradiograms and colony plates. High performance, low noise, SONY 8-bit camera. Top quality darkroom cabinet with rigid metal construction for many years of reliable and efficient service, includes: transilluminator on pull out tray uniform overhead (epi-) w…

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UVIchemi Dedicated Chemiluminescence Documentation System


High quality, chemiluminescence imaging system for ultra-high sensitivity imaging of chemiluminescence labelled samples such as Western blots.System includes ultra-high sensitivity and low noise, efficiently cooled CCD camera.Sample tray may be moved up or down in the sample compartment.The camera is cooled directly (on-chip) by two-stage, forced air Peltier device.  A high quality fixed focal length lens gives razor sharp foc…

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