Spectroscopy Products & Reviews

Spectroscopy enables researchers to identify chemical compounds, determine molecular structures, and understand fundamental properties of samples through the analysis of absorption, emission, or scattering of light or other forms of radiation. From infrared (IR spectroscopy) to ultraviolet (UV-visible spectroscopy) wavelengths, spectroscopy plays a vital role in various scientific fields. Explore how spectroscopy drives innovation and discovery across diverse research areas.

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VICI AG International



Reduced breakdown injection port liners

VICI AG International

Reduced breakdown liners Our improved injection port liner reduces breakdown of endrin and DDT during injections while increasing the interval between liner changes. The problem DDT and Endrin are easily degraded in the injection port; with non-deactivated liners and those filled with non-deactivated glass wool, Endrin breakdown can be as high as 98%. EPA method 8081A states "If degradation of either DDT or Endrin exceeds 15%,…

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