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Waters ACQUITY UPLC - Dramatic Improvements in Speed, Sensitivity and Resolution Whether you work in methods development or quality assurance, in drug discovery and development or testing for safety in food supplies, you seek a productivity edge. With the ACQUITY UPLC® System, now you can get more information in a single, short run than you've ever seen with HPLC. Waters ACQUITY UPLC System UltraPerformance LC® (UPLC®) techn…

XBridge Columns


XBridge Columns include a selection of 10 general-purpose and application-specific sorbents that cover a wide range of particles sizes for analytical and preparative HPLC applications.   XBridge Column users can quickly develop robust methods using mobile phases throughout the entire pH range of 1-12. XBridge OBD™ Preparative Column users, benefit from high pH and temperature stability to provide increased mass loading f…

VanGuard™ Pre-Columns for UPLC Separations


VanGuard Pre-Columns for UPLC® separations are guard columns that are designed for use with the ACQUITY UPLC® system. These guard columns use an ultra-low volume design (patent pending) that efficiently protects UPLC column performance. This ultra-low volume design does not compromise the UPLC holistic design approach to higher efficiency, greater resolution and increased throughput. Guard columns are typically used in appli…

|12 Reviews

Sirocco Protein Precipitation Plate


The Sirocco™ plates are the most technologically advanced protein precipitation plates in the market and enable high-throughput “in-well” protein precipitation of biological samples without the fear of cloudy filtrates or clogged devices. It also provides optimum performance in faster processing time by reducing steps in ‘in-well’ sample processing and complete recovery of clean filtrate from smaller plasma sample volumes.

|1 Review

Styragel Columns for Polymer Characterization


Designed specifically for polymer characterization, the Styragel® columns are grouped into the HR series for low-to-mid molecular weight samples, the HT series for high-temperature applications, and the HMW series for high molecular weight samples. Specifically controlled styrene divinylbenzene formulations provide reproducible performance in your GPC applications.

|1 Review

Ultrahydrogel SEC columns


Packed with hydroxylated polymethacrylate-based gel, Waters Ultrahydrogel™ SEC columns are ideal for the analysis of aqueous-soluble samples, such as oligomers; oligosaccharides; polysaccharides; and cationic, anionic, and amphoteric polymers. Measuring 7.8 mm x 300 mm, these high-resolution columns offer many advantages over conventional aqueous SEC columns, such as: - A wide pH range (2–12) - Compatibility with high concen…

|3 Reviews

Sep-Pak® Cartridges and Plates


Sep-Pak Plates enable high throughput solid-phase extraction with the same silica sorbents that have been proven for years in Sep-Pak Cartridges. The plate design has been optimized for automated sample handling systems as well as for standard vacuum manifolds. Sep-Pak Plates are available with different silica sorbent mass selections to optimize sample loading.

|3 Reviews

Oasis® µElution Plate


The Oasis® uElution plate format combined with the Oasis chemistries allow elution volumes as low as 25uL, eliminating the time consuming evaporation step, producing very clean extracts with a 5 to 10 fold increase in concentration.The Oasis® family of sample extraction products is designed to simplify and improve your sample preparation by combining the right sorbent chemistry, device format and methodology. Achieve robust, s…

|6 Reviews

GCT Premier™


The GCT Premier™ benchtop orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight (oa-TOF) mass spectrometer delivers high sensitivity, resolution, and exact mass measurements for GC/MS applications. Its fast data acquisition rates and automated workflow features match the requirements for MS detection when coupled to high-resolution capillary GC. A variety of GC inlet, ion source and software options makes the GCT Premier a versatile choice f…

|2 Reviews