Anti-Doping Science Products & Reviews
Trusted information for laboratory scientists on Anti-Doping Science lab products and techniques on SelectScience, including Hematology, Biochemistry, HPLC and UHPLC, GC / MS.
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3M™ Empore™ C8 90 mm Disk
3M BioanalyticalCommonly used for the solid phase extraction of analytes from complex sample matrices. A variety of functional groups, such as octadecyl (C18) and octyl (C8) can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent…
3M™ Empore™ C18 90 mm Disk
3M Bioanalytical3M bioanalytical's Empore c18 90 Disk-Commonly used for the solid phase extraction of analytes from complex sample matrices. A variety of functional groups, such as octadecyl (C18) and octyl (C8) can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular me…
3M™ Empore™ SDB-XC 90 mm Disk
3M BioanalyticalSDB-XC is a poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) copolymer used as a reversed phase sorbent for solid phase extraction. SDB-XC is not bonded to silica but is a 100% copolymeric particle that is spherical, porous and cross-linked. It does not exhibit the secondary cationic (silanol) interactions and pH limitations common to bonded silica sorbents, so it offers more predictable and reproducible reversed phase interaction.
3M™ Empore™ SDB-RPS 90 mm Disk
3M BioanalyticalSDB-RPS is a poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) copolymer that has been modified with sulfonic acid groups to make it hydrophilic. SDB-RPS is not bonded to silica but is a 100% copolymeric particle that is spherical, porous and cross-linked. The sulfonation imparts unique selectivity for organic analytes that are polar in nature, such as drugs, drug metabolites, water-soluble pesticides and pesticide metabolites. SDB-RPS is also u…
3M™ Empore™ Anion Exchange-SR 90 mm Disk
3M Bioanalytical3M Bioanalytical's Anion-SR is a poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) copolymer that has been modified with quaternary ammonium groups. Note that the 3M Anion-SR is not bonded to silica but is a 100% copolymeric particle that is spherical, porous and cross-linked. The functional group imparts unique selectivity for anionic analytes, such as Endothall, Dalpon and haloacetic acids.
3M™ Empore™ Oil & Grease 90 mm Disk
3M BioanalyticalThe Oil & Grease Disk was specifically designed for EPA Method 1664 (N-Hexane Extractable Materials (HEM) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM) by Extraction and Gravimetry). EPA Method 1664 Revision A was approved for use in the United States and published in the Federal Register on May 14, 1999. The Oil & Grease Disk incorporates C18 sorbent particles within a hydrophobic matrix. For EPA Method 16…
3M™ Empore™ Carbon 90 mm Disk
3M BioanalyticalEmpore Carbon Disks are designed for the extraction of volatile, highly polar, and water soluble compounds from aqueous solutions. The Empore Carbon Disk provides all the advantages of activated carbon in a compact and thin Empore Disk.
3M™ Empore™ C8-SD Standard Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C18-SD Standard Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ MPC-SD Standard Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalThis mixed phase chemistry, in which two primary modes of attraction are present, allows for a more efficient and selective extraction compared to traditional reversed phase techniques. Neutral and ionized analytes can be simultaneously extracted from a complex mixture and eluted as separate fractions. A mixed phase sorbent offers the following advantages: Eluting acidic and neutral analytes separately from basic analy…
3M™ Empore™ UR-SD Standard Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalThis chemistry promotes high retention of a wide range of analytes, reducing method development time and facilitating a generic approach to sample preparation.
3M™ Empore™ C8-SD Deep Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C18-SD Deep Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ MPC-SD Deep Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalThis mixed phase chemistry, in which two primary modes of attraction are present, allows for a more efficient and selective extraction compared to traditional reversed phase techniques. Neutral and ionized analytes can be simultaneously extracted from a complex mixture and eluted as separate fractions. A mixed phase sorbent offers the following advantages: Eluting acidic and neutral analytes separately from basic analyt…
3M™ Empore™ UR-SD Deep Well Plate
3M BioanalyticalThis chemistry promotes high retention of a wide range of analytes, reducing method development time and facilitating a generic approach to sample preparation.
3M™ Empore™ C8-HD 1ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C8-SD 1ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C18-SD 1ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C8-SD 3ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ C18-SD 3ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.
3M™ Empore™ UR-SD 3ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalThis chemistry promotes high retention of a wide range of analytes, reducing method development time and facilitating a generic approach to sample preparation.
3M™ Empore™ C18-SD 6ml Cartridge
3M BioanalyticalFunctional groups, such as octyl (C8) and octadecyl (C18), can be bonded to the silica surface to provide non polar interactions. Each of these sorbents exhibits unique properties of retention and selectivity for a particular analyte. The choice of which sorbent is best for a particular method will be influenced by the percent recovery of analyte from the sample matrix and the cleanliness of the resulting chromatography.