Anti-Doping Science Products & Reviews

Trusted information for laboratory scientists on Anti-Doping Science lab products and techniques on SelectScience, including Hematology, Biochemistry, HPLC and UHPLC, GC / MS.

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MassHunter Profinder Software

Agilent Technologies

Profinder is a fast, batch-processing feature extraction software for differential analysis that supports data from Agilent GC/MSD, GC/Q-TOF, LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF instruments. Profinder speeds up differential and flux analysis workflows using an intuitive user interface.

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MassHunter VistaFlux Software

Agilent Technologies

VistaFlux software features integrated programs for creating target lists, extracting batch isotopologues, and visualizing stable isotope label flux results on pathways. Turn weeks of manual data processing into just a few hours of work.

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Thermo Scientific™ ISQ™ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Add mass spectrometry (MS) to your IC and LC analyses for access to the valuable data that only MS can provide. The new, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ ISQ™ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer seamlessly integrates with ion chromatography (IC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. Both novices and experts alike can quickly master MS to gain more insights from every sample.

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Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Use the new Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ RP columns for high-performance reversed-phase (RP) HPLC and LC/MS characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), fragments, variants, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), PEGylated proteins, and bispecific proteins. These columns have excellent resolution, long column lifetime, and low carry-over.

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Adept HPLC System 4S for Cannabis Analysis

Cecil Instruments Limited

Despite being a drug of abuse in many countries, many societies are currently experiencing an increasingly rapid acceptance of cannabis (marijuana) products for medicinal and recreational usage.  Additionally, low cannabis content and high hemp fibre products are grown in numerous countries. In addition to cannabinoid analysis of clinical samples, there is a need to determine the provenance, identification, purity and quant…

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