Anti-Doping Science Products & Reviews
Trusted information for laboratory scientists on Anti-Doping Science lab products and techniques on SelectScience, including Hematology, Biochemistry, HPLC and UHPLC, GC / MS.
Selected Filters:
AdvanceBio Oligonucleotide Columns
Agilent TechnologiesTo successfully separate trityl-off, deprotected oligonucleotides, you need columns that have high resolving power and are robust enough to withstand challenging conditions.
Electrochemical Detection, Adept HPLC System
Cecil Instruments LimitedDetection to trace levels of some metabolites, such as histamine, some amino acids, some steroids and catecholamines, is quickly and simply achieved, with Cecil Electrochemical Detection Adept HPLC.
Stainless Steel Fittings
IDEX Health & ScienceStainless steel fittings remain the most popular fitting used on standard HPLC systems today, due to their high temperature resistance and high-pressure holding abilities. Our durable and strong 316 Stainless Steel Fittings are rated to 20,000 psi (1,380 bar) when wrench tightened. You can choose our Standard Fittings, or select from other manufacturer-compatible offerings.
Actuated Valves for UHPLC
IDEX Health & ScienceMX Series II™ actuated valves are designed to be added to your existing instrument or to work optimally with stand-alone lab configurations. Our valves can be controlled remotely or operated manually using the push-button front panel with LED position indicator. They easily connect to your instrument or PC through contact closure, BCD, serial port, or USB. Commands can be sent to the MX valves using your chromatograph…
UHPLC Fittings
IDEX Health & ScienceWe offer an innovative line of Very High Pressure (VHP) fittings, designed to withstand extreme pressures. This patent-pending line of ground-breaking fitting systems is perfect for use within the increasingly demanding requirements of today’s UHPLC high performance analytical systems.
Pearl Micropipettes
LH TechnologiesPearl Miniature Fixed Volume micropipettes from LH Technologies are specially designed for use with Diagnostic Kits.
Alpha Laboratories LtdAngiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Kinetic Assay for serum BÜHLMANN ACE Kinetic - diagnosis and monitoring of sarcoidosis
Calprotectin ELISA
Alpha Laboratories LtdThe BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA (EK-CAL) is the UK market-leading calprotectin ELISA. It provides quantitative in vitro determination of fecal calprotectin in high sample throughput environments.
CD-Chex® Flow Cytometry Controls
Alpha Laboratories LtdThe expanding range of CD-Chex® Flow Cytometry controls provides positive procedural controls manufactured from normal human peripheral blood leukocytes and erythrocytes.
Blood Collection Tubes
Alpha Laboratories LtdCyto-Chex® BCT is a direct-draw vacuum blood collection tube that contains a preservative reagent.The integrity of white blood cells is maintained at room temperature for three times longer than when using traditional methods.
Factor Deficient Substrates
Alpha Laboratories LtdCRYOcheck™ Factor Deficient Plasmas are frozen, platelet-poor plasmas which are immunodepleted and assayed at less than 1% for the specific factor by functional and antigenic methods.
Faecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT)
Alpha Laboratories LtdFaecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) provides high quality measurement of faecal haemoglobin for both asymptomatic and symptomatic assessment for bowel cancer and other colorectal diseases.
Thrombotic Assays
Alpha Laboratories LtdThe CRYOcheck™ brand offers Protein S and Protein C assays - building on an integrated line of high-quality frozen controls & calibrators.
Platelet Aggregation Profiler
Alpha Laboratories LtdThe PAP-8E, Platelet Aggregation Profiler® is intended for use in clinical, research, university, biotechnology and pharmaceutical laboratories. The system measures the rate and extent of aggregation, agglutination, activation and inhibition reactions, as well as the determination of platelet function activity.
Metabolomic Products
Cambridge Isotope LaboratoriesAn innovative technology termed isotopic ratio outlier analysis (IROA) was developed to overcome the analytical challenges associated with current, stable isotope labeled compounds used in untargeted /targeted metabolic profiling. These challenges minimally pertain to analytical variance, artifactual peaks, and metabolite identification. The IROA method uses metabolic incorporation of heavy (95% 13C) and light (5%…
Standards for Environmental, Food, Water, and Human Exposure Analysis
Cambridge Isotope LaboratoriesAs new technologies and applications to study environmental, food, water, and exposure contaminants advance, CIL continues to maintain a leadership role working with researchers to develop new standards to meet the latest needs. With new instrumentation and extraction procedures allowing detection limits approaching attogram levels in some cases, the need for highly accurate isotope standards has never been greater.