Environmental Products & Reviews

Environmental monitoring and testing assess the quality of our air, water, soil, and overall ecosystems. Using advanced technologies and analytical methods, environmental scientists collect and analyze samples to measure levels of pollutants, contaminants, and other factors impacting environmental health. By monitoring changes over time and identifying potential risks to human health, this field plays a vital role in informing policy decisions and implementing effective mitigation strategies. Explore how environmental monitoring and testing contribute to safeguarding our planet's well-being and promoting sustainable development.

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Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP)


The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe* (ASAP) is a useful tool for the rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples using atmospheric pressure ionization.The ASAP technique utilizes the heated nitrogen desolvation gas to vaporize the sample and a corona discharge for sample ionization. This allows low polarity compounds not amenable to ESI, APcI and APPI to be ionized with a high degree of sen…

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MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si High Definition Mass Spectrometry


Redefining Resolution - Resolution in 3 Dimensions. MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si is a uniquely powerful and versatile MS platform. It's the only way to combine multiple dimensions of separation for analysis of complex samples, from imaging to biological research to chemical materials characterization. The MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si gives you high performance, accurate mass MALDI MS/MS, superior post-ionization separation with T-Wave IMS, High…

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