Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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Alpha Expanded Pupil Stereo Microscope

Vision Biomed

Alpha is a revolutionary stereo zoom microscope that employs Vision Biomed's patented Expanded-Pupil optical technology, allowing operators to work more efficiently, for longer. The patented technology provides a significant ergonomic advantage for Alpha, with a four-fold increase in working distance between the operator’s eyes and the eyepieces (over conventional eyepiece microscopes). This allows a much greater freedom of op…

|1 Review

Cary 6000i UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer

Agilent Technologies

The Cary 6000i UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer has been tailored for unmatched photometric performance in the short-wave infrared (SWIR) 800–1800 nm range as well as the UV-visible 175 to 800 nm. Using narrow-band InGaAs detection and a 600 lines-per-mm diffaction grating for improved SWIR sensivity, the Cary 6000i is the ultimate tool for materials characterization spectroscopy.  

|5 Reviews

ZORBAX StableBond

Agilent Technologies

ZORBAX 80Å StableBond columns are made using bulky, patented, unique silanes that sterically protect the siloxane bond. Acid labile endcapping reagents are not used. The result is vastly improved column life and extraordinary chemical and temperature stability in the pH 1–6 range for a wide variety of phases (SB-Aq, SB-C3, SB-CN, SB-Phenyl, SB-C8, and SB-C18). Excellent peak shape is expected for many basic compounds because…

|3 Reviews

7500 Real-Time PCR System

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a leading edge system with features to support labs requiring more capabilities from their real time PCR platform. Run time of less than 2 hours Variable excitation and five-color detection enable you to use a broad range of fluorophores including FAM™/SYBR® Green I, VIC®/JOE, NED™/ TAMRA™/ Cy3™, ROX™/Texas Red®, and Cy5™ dyes for greater assay versatility. Measure g…

|45 Reviews

ZEISS Axio Imager - Modular System for Digital Fluorescence Microscopy

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

Axio ImagerAn innovative modular system for digital fluorescence microscopy, featuring advanced flexibility and application versatility.  Featuring: New IC2S objectives (Infinity Contrast & Colour Corrected System) - optimise image quality and maximise contrast Special fluorescence filters - reduce exposure and image acquisition time for superior 3D imaging. 'Intelligent Stand' - automatically recognises added compone…

|9 Reviews

Automated System for BigDye® Terminator Cleanup

Hamilton Company

Removal of unincorporated dye terminator after DNA sequencing reactions is a prerequisite to load samples on automated capillary sequencers. For rapid and effective removal of unincorporated dye terminator, Agencourt CleanSEQ® uses Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRIT) of DNA products on magnetic microparticles. The kit has been automated on the HAMILTON MICROLAB® STAR. The flexibility of the STAR and the robustness of…

|1 Review

Super Duncan Thermal Cycler


KBiosystems DT-24 and DT-108 Thermal Cycling PCR systems are an alternative way of carrying out medium and high throughput PCR protocols on DNA replication and incubation to micro well format plates. Conventionally peltier heat transfer units have been used to carry out these operations, these however can prove costly to increase productivity throughput and do not optimise the yield potential of carrying out such thermal op…

|2 Reviews

Echo® 550 Liquid Handler

Imagine preparing assay plates for siRNA screening, compound screening with biochemical and cell-based assays, PCR reactions and more all on a single liquid handling platform, with no tips and no cross-contamination. Labcyte has developed new acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) parameters that deliver built-in intelligence to enable users to transfer many different fluid types from a single instrument. All Echo systems come pre-ca…

|22 Reviews