Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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ZEISS LSM 710 ConfoCor 3

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

Versatile measurements in solutions and cells: concentrations, interactions, fluctuations, diffusions. ConfoCor 3 is an ideal choice for single molecule imaging applications. It measures precisely with highest sensitivity and quickly within seconds. Based on the confocal detection principle, the diffusion speed and concentration of a fluorescent labeled molecule is easily accessed in a single measurement by the correlation fun…

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Pippin Pulse Electrophoresis Supply

Sage Science

The Pippin Prep is a preparative electrophoresis platform for collection of size-selected DNA samples. The system automates DNA size selection using disposable, pre-cast agarose cassettes to extract fractions according to user-defined software input. Samples are electro-eluted from agarose and collected in buffer. The platform is used for the construction of next-gen sequencing libraries. The system collects fragments (depend…

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Pippin Link Group Controller

Sage Science

The Pippin Link Group Control is the best way to reproducibly provide the highest quality size-selected DNA in high-throughput. It provides hardware and software for running up to eight Pippin Instruments from a laptop PC. Three linked-Pippins can produce up to 96 size selections in one day.

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NOCTURN Digital Low-Light CMOS Camera


Surveillance Imaging for 24/7 Lighting ConditionsNOCTURN Camera provides a simple, compact solution to 24/7 imaging requirements across a wide variety of lighting conditions including low-light imaging. NOCTURN’s compact size and low power consumption makes it ideal for man-portable vision systems as well as unmanned remote surveillance. On-board electronics provide automatic processing for gain control and image correction, w…

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