Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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PicoMaxx High-Fidelity PCR System,1000U

Agilent Technologies

The PicoMaxx high fidelity PCR system reliably produces high PCR product yields on a wide variety of templates up to 10 kb. It also provides superior sensitivity by successfully amplifying samples where starting material is limited.  High sensitivity provides maximum PCR reliability  Consistent, robust amplification up to 10 kb  Superior efficiency and yield with our patented ArchaeMaxx polymerase-enhancing factor  Opti…

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PicoMaxx High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

Agilent Technologies

PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR Master Mix possesses the sensitivity to detect low copy number targets. Plus, it has the robustness to withstand effects of PCR inhibitors without the need for extensive purification and subsequent DNA loss. PicoMaxx reliably produces high PCR product yields on a wide variety of templates up to 10 Kb.

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VariFlex C-Terminal SBP Expression System

Agilent Technologies

The VariFlex protein expression system offers vectors with unique tags that enhance the utility of E.coli as an expression host. Included in our tag offering are three different SET tags which increase protein solubility and the SBP purification tag for high-yield, pure proteins.  Unique SET tags increase protein solubility  All three SET tags in every vector set  Gentle SBP purification tag generates high-yield, pure pro…

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VariFlex C-terminal SBP-SET Expression System

Agilent Technologies

The VariFlex protein expression system offers vectors with unique tags that enhance the utility of E.coli as an expression host. Included in our tag offering are three different SET tags which increase protein solubility and the SBP purification tag for high-yield, pure proteins.  Unique SET tags increase protein solubility  All three SET tags in every vector set  Gentle SBP purification tag generates high-yield, pure pro…

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VariFlex N-terminal SBP System

Agilent Technologies

The VariFlex protein expression system offers vectors with unique tags that enhance the utility of E.coli as an expression host. Included in our tag offering are three different SET tags which increase protein solubility and the SBP purification tag for high-yield, pure proteins.  Unique SET tags increase protein solubility  All three SET tags in every vector set  Gentle SBP purification tag generates high-yield, pure pro…

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96-Well Plate Sealing Film

Agilent Technologies

Ensuring well plates are properly maintained and operated helps to improve applications and simplify analysts' workflows. To achieve this, we offer a portfolio of genuine Agilent microplates, well plates and supplies for use in a wide variety of applications.

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Lambda CE6 Induction Kit

Agilent Technologies

Three different strains that provide varying levels of expression control with T7 promoter-driven vectors, such as the pCAL and pET vectors.  BL21 derivatives for tight expression control  Express toxic proteins  Use BL21, BL21-Gold or BL21-CodonPlus cells  High-level protein expression  Use for established expression constructs  Economical alternative

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