Life Sciences Products & Reviews

Life sciences encompass a diverse range of scientific disciplines focused on the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. From basic life sciences (such as cell biology, genetics, immunology, and microbiology) to applied life sciences (such as disease research, multi-omics, and biotechnology), this broad field explores the fundamental processes of life and drives advancements in disease research, patient care, and our overall understanding of living organisms. Discover the endless possibilities of life sciences and their impact on shaping a healthier and more sustainable world.

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Pellet Paint® NF Co-precipitant


Pellet Paint® NF Co-Precipitant* is a non-fluorescent dye-labeled carrier compatible with fluorescent sequencing. It facilitates rapid removal of BigDye™ Terminators (PE Corp.) during the alcohol precipitation of cycle sequencing reaction products. Cycle sequencing reactions can be precipitated rapidly with centrifugation times of 10 minutes. The easily visualized carrier provides a simple confirmation that precipitation has o…

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Pellet Paint® Co-precipitant


Rapid, quantitative precipitation of DNA and RNA, including PCR clean-upPellet Paint® Co-Precipitant* is a visible dye-labeled carrier formulated specifically for use in alcohol precipitation of nucleic acids (1, 2). The two minute precipitation requires no low temperature incubations or prolonged centrifugation. Both RNA and DNA are efficiently precipitated from even the most dilute solutions (2 ng/ml) and the pellet is easil…

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Overnight Express™ Instant TB Medium


Overnight Express™ Instant TB Medium is a complete granulated culture medium for high-level protein production without the need to monitor cell growth in the pET and other IPTG-inducible bacterial expression systems. Cell mass and target protein yield are often increased several-fold as compared with induction using IPTG. The method is based on media components that are metabolized differentially to promote growth to high dens…

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G418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested


White solid. Aminoglycoside related to gentamycin that inhibits prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis. Toxic to bacteria, yeast, protozoans, helminths, higher plant, and mammalian cells. Widely used in the selection of eukaryotic expression vectors carrying the bacterial neor/kanr genes. The product of these genes, aminoglycoside 3¡ä-phosphotransferase, inactivates G418, neomycin, and kanamycin by phosphorylation. Intro…

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Hygromycin B


Light brown lyophilized solid. Working concentration 50 mg/ml - 1 mg/ml for mammalian cell selection. Unique aminoglycoside antibiotic that inhibits the growth of prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic microorganisms (yeasts) and mammalian cells. Inhibits protein synthesis at the translocation step on the 70S ribosome and causes misreading of the mRNA. Hph, a gene from E. coli, encodes resistance to hygromycin B and can be isol…

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ProteoPlex™ 16-well Murine Cytokine Array Kit


The ProteoPlex™ 16-Well Murine Cytokine Array Kit is designed for multiplex detection and measurement of 10 important mouse cytokines in parallel from up to 15 experimental samples. The 10 analytes measured in the kit are pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines important for the study of immune system regulation and diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Each well on the slide contains a microarray of spotted antibodies with fou…

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Trail Mix™ Western Markers


Novel protein markers for visible tracking & accurate sizing on any Western blotTrail Mix™ Western Markers consist of the Perfect Protein™ Western Markers supplemented with a group of three prestained indicator proteins to allow direct visualization of protein mobility during electrophoresis. Trail Mix Western Markers and Western Blot Kits have all of the features of Perfect Protein Western Markers and Western Blot Kits, plus…

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His•Tag® Monoclonal Ab


The His•Tag® Monoclonal Antibody is a mouse monoclonal antibody (IgG1) directed against the His•Tag sequence encoded by many of Novagen's expression vectors as well as many other commercially available vectors. The antibody recognizes five consecutive histidine residues regardless of the surrounding amino acid context. The high affinity (Kd = 5 × 10 to 8–1 × 10–9 M) enables sensitive, specific detection of His•Tag fusion prote…

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Benzonase® Nuclease


Benzonase Nuclease - Effective viscosity reduction and removal of nucleic acids from protein solutions Benzonase Nuclease is a genetically engineered endonuclease from Serratia marcescens. It degrades all forms of DNA and RNA (single stranded, double stranded, linear and circular) while having no proteolytic activity. Benzonase Nuclease is effective over a wide range of conditions and possesses an exceptionally high specif…

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Ni-NTA His Bind® Resin


Purification of His•Tag fusion proteins by metal chelation chromatographyThe His•Bind® family of products offers a wide selection of supports designed for rapid one-step purification of proteins containing the His•Tag® sequence by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). The His•Tag sequence (6, 8 or 10 consecutive histidine residues) binds to divalent cations (Ni2+) immobilized on NTA*- and IDA-based His•Bind resins.…

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