Materials Products & Reviews

Materials analysis examines the properties, composition, and behavior of materials at a microscopic and macroscopic level. Using advanced techniques such as microscopy, spectroscopy, and chromatography, materials analysts investigate the structure, purity, and performance of various substances. From industrial materials and nanomaterials to battery testing and beyond, this field provides critical insights into the characteristics and applications of materials across industries such as manufacturing, electronics, and healthcare. Explore how materials analysis drives innovation, quality assurance, and product development for a wide range of applications.

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BeScan Lab

Bettersize Instruments Ltd

BeScan Lab, the versatile, sensitive, and reliable stability analyzer based on Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS) technology, is widely used in formulation development and product quality control. It accommodates a wide range of sample concentrations up to 95% v/v and types such as emulsions, suspensions, and foams, with temperature scanning capabilities reaching up to 80 °C.

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Labman Automation

TIDAS is the go-to system for Hegman grind gauge/grindometer testing; removing operator variation and ensuring reproducability. The system's robust, low-maintenance design, super-sharp imaging, customisability and versatility make it must-have for your R&D or QC lab.

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Biochrom Libra S11 Visible Spectrophotometer

Biochrom Ltd

Visible Spectrophotometer ideal for quality control in analytical or industrial laboratories where a high specification instrument and a wide choice of accessories are required. Features Basic routines (Absorbance, %Transmission, Concentration & Ratio) plus scanning, kinetics and standard curve capabilities Store methods Automatic system calibration Customize both the start-up menu and the accessible methods Lamp s…

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SEQUEST® Cluster

Thermo Fisher Scientific

SEQUEST Cluster is a complete, preconfigured proteomics solution that enables accelerated throughput of increasingly complex, multidimensional informatics.Product detail:The SEQUEST Cluster offers a scalable solution for computing the large volumes of data typical in most proteomics analyses using LC/MS. Protein database search times are dramatically reduced by harnessing the power of several processing units in one, increasin…

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