Separations Products & Reviews

Separations is a fundamental scientific discipline focused on the isolation and purification of components from mixtures. Through techniques such as chromatography, distillation, and filtration, separations scientists separate substances based on their physical or chemical properties. This field plays a crucial role in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage testing, environmental science, materials research, and more. Explore how separations techniques enable precise analysis, quality control, and the development of innovative products.

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Agilent 1290 Infinity II Preparative Open-Bed Sampler/Collector

Agilent Technologies

The 1290 Infinity II Preparative Open-Bed Sampler/Collector is the solution for automated, high-capacity management of sample injection and fraction collection in semipreparative and preparative-scale LC purification workflows. The X-Z-theta axis probe uses novel robotic technology to minimize sample carryover during movements between fraction containers. Sample volumes can be injected from microtiter plates, vials, or vessels…

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Agilent 1260 Infinity II Multisampler

Agilent Technologies

The 1260 Infinity II Multisampler is a multipurpose autosampler that handles vials and microplates. Injecting at pressures up to 600 or 800 bar, the Multisampler is a compact module with a capacity of up to 6,144 samples, all within the footprint of an Agilent LC stack.

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Agilent 1260 Infinity II SFC Multisampler

Agilent Technologies

The 1260 Infinity II SFC Multisampler is a high-capacity autosampler for supercritical fluid chromatography, bringing LC-like injection precision and reproducibility to SFC. The Multisampler's wide injection range supports flexible injection volumes from 0.1 to 90 µL without changing sample loops.

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Agilent 1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector

Agilent Technologies

The 1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector is optimized for laboratories performing analytical-scale compound purification of nanogram to milligram quantities with typical flow rates between 0.1 and 10 mL/min. The module features the full set of collection modes and is compatible with a wide variety of trigger sources. SBS plates and four different tube sizes with various lenghts are supported.

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Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-Inert Fraction Collector

Agilent Technologies

The 1260 Infinity II Bio-Inert Fraction Collector is the ideal extension to your system when you need to further investigate separated compounds. A wide range of collection vessels, including vials, microplates, or custom vessels, provide highest collection flexibility. Handling flow rates up to 10 mL/min, even separations using columns with larger inside diameters for small-scale preparative applications are possible.

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Agilent 1260 Infinity II Preparative Valve-Based Fraction Collector

Agilent Technologies

The 1260 Infinity II Preparative Valve-Based Fraction Collector is a compact, full-featured fraction collector for daily compound isolation and purification by LC. Optimized for collection of up to 11 high-volume fractions its versatile design allows operation in both routine sample purification workflows and recovery applications. The built-in fraction delay sensor allows precise and automatic calibration of the fraction coll…

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Agilent 1290 Infinity II Preparative Open-Bed Fraction Collector

Agilent Technologies

The 1290 Infinity II Preparative Open-Bed Fraction Collector is our most versatile fraction collector, enabling high-capacity fraction collection of purified compounds for semipreparative and preparative-scale LC purification. This module is ideally suited to open-access environments, provides all standard trigger modes for purification workflows, and is optimized for flow rates up to 200 mL/min.

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