Separations Products & Reviews

Separations is a fundamental scientific discipline focused on the isolation and purification of components from mixtures. Through techniques such as chromatography, distillation, and filtration, separations scientists separate substances based on their physical or chemical properties. This field plays a crucial role in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage testing, environmental science, materials research, and more. Explore how separations techniques enable precise analysis, quality control, and the development of innovative products.

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FE280 Portable Conductivity Meter

EDT Instruments Ltd

The FE280 is a basic, simple, routine instrument which allows conductivity to be measured across 4 ranges with full temperature compensation. The temperature coefficient is set at 2%/oC. Ideal for standard applications such as water quality measurements or spot checks on on-line equipment.

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FE287 Portable Automatic Conductivity Meter

EDT Instruments Ltd

The automatic FE287 is much more than a conductivity meter. The related mesurement of resistivity and total dissolved solids are of course possible, but in addition, salinity and concentration measurements can be performed, making the meter one of the most flexible available. Six ranges of conductivity are possible and are selected automatically. Readings are displayed in multiples of S/cm or S/m.

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BA380 Conductivity Meter

EDT Instruments Ltd

The BA380 is a basic, bench conductivity meter. It measures conductivity only, using automatic temperature compensation and, despite its simplicity, affords the user measurements accurate to plus or minus 1%. The meter is calibrated to one point using traditional manual controls and a conductivity standard. Once the calibration is set, the user may select the appropriate range for the sample and read conductivity value directl…

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GP383 Conductivity Temperature Meter

EDT Instruments Ltd

The GP383 is a general purpose meter. Conductivity and temperature measurements can both be achieved, temperature compensation being either manual or automatic. Once calibrated against a standard solution, the cell constant can then be inspected. Know cell constants may be entered directly. The GP383 has a recorder output for use with recorders or dataloggers.

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RE388TX Advanced Research Conductivity Meter

EDT Instruments Ltd

Apart from conductivity, the user is able to measure: resistivity; total dissolved solids; salinity and temperature. These modes may all be accessed without the need to change cell or calibration and are all temperature compensated. One of the most common application areas of conductivity mesurement is concentration control. The RE388TX may be calibrated in concentration units and a sample concentration then read directly from…

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