Spectroscopy Products & Reviews

Spectroscopy enables researchers to identify chemical compounds, determine molecular structures, and understand fundamental properties of samples through the analysis of absorption, emission, or scattering of light or other forms of radiation. From infrared (IR spectroscopy) to ultraviolet (UV-visible spectroscopy) wavelengths, spectroscopy plays a vital role in various scientific fields. Explore how spectroscopy drives innovation and discovery across diverse research areas.

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Biochrom Libra S11 Visible Spectrophotometer

Biochrom Ltd

Visible Spectrophotometer ideal for quality control in analytical or industrial laboratories where a high specification instrument and a wide choice of accessories are required. Features Basic routines (Absorbance, %Transmission, Concentration & Ratio) plus scanning, kinetics and standard curve capabilities Store methods Automatic system calibration Customize both the start-up menu and the accessible methods Lamp s…

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SEQUEST® Cluster

Thermo Fisher Scientific

SEQUEST Cluster is a complete, preconfigured proteomics solution that enables accelerated throughput of increasingly complex, multidimensional informatics.Product detail:The SEQUEST Cluster offers a scalable solution for computing the large volumes of data typical in most proteomics analyses using LC/MS. Protein database search times are dramatically reduced by harnessing the power of several processing units in one, increasin…

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DeNovox Automated De Novo Sequencing Software

Thermo Fisher Scientific

DeNovoX software automates and accelerates sequencing, returning results equal to or better than those formerly achieved through expert manual sequencing of peptides within proteins and is ideally suited for high-throughput analyses of peptide mixtures. Product detail: DeNovoX is a fully-automated de novo sequencing software program that is capable of determining complete or partial amino acid sequences of unknown peptide…

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LCquan™ 2.0

Thermo Fisher Scientific

LCquan 2.0 enabling 21 CRF Part 11 compliance. LCQUAN 2.0 is a closed, secure, multi-level user environment for mass spectral quantitative analysis. When LC Quan 2.0 is used in conjunction with Thermo's electronic Record Manager (eRM), this powerful combination provides the user with a completely secure data archival solution. Product detail: LCQUAN 2.0: Quantitation for the regulated laboratories Companies in regulated i…

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Luminar 3010 Process NIR Analyzer

Brimrose Corp of America

Brimrose Solid-state AOTF-NIR Process Analyzers are designed for measuring the chemical and physical properties of liquids, solids, powders, gels, etc. in a real production environment, in any classified area by using variety of Probes, Flow cells, attachments, etc. Dual beam, pre-aligned lamp assembly, InGaAs detectors, Hoffman stainless steel enclosure, embedded computer, modem, ethernet interface, SNAP!TM Brimrose analytica…

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Précis Certified Standards

HORIBA Scientific

HORIBA Scientific is supplying its own range of standards as well as SPEX CertPrep standards. In consequence HORIBA Scientific proposes a complete range of Certified Standards Samples specifically for Sulfur in Oil analysis, as well as many other components in all kind of hydrocarbon matrices. The three basic sets are dedicated to the most famous analytical methods of sulfur in oil analysis. The calibration is very simple and…

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EPL-Series: Picosecond Pulsed Diode Lasers

Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.

The EPL picosecond pulsed diode lasers are a new excitation source for fluorescence lifetime measurements that bridge the gap between the nanosecond flashlamp and expensive mode locked Titanium Sapphire femtosecond lasers. The EPL lasers are pre-adjusted for an optimum pulse width, with particular attention paid to reducing a secondary shoulder. The output has a guaranteed pulse width of less than 100 picoseconds. The EPL lase…

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EPLED-Series: Picosecond Pulsed UV-LEDs

Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.

The EPLED picosecond pulsed LEDs are a new excitation source for fluorescence lifetime measurements. In Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), they bridge the gap between the nanosecond flashlamp and expensive mode locked Titanium Sapphire femtosecond lasers in the UV region. The EPLEDs are pre-adjusted in respect to pulse width and peak power, with particular attention paid to reducing both secondary shoulder and a l…

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