Spectroscopy Products & Reviews

Spectroscopy enables researchers to identify chemical compounds, determine molecular structures, and understand fundamental properties of samples through the analysis of absorption, emission, or scattering of light or other forms of radiation. From infrared (IR spectroscopy) to ultraviolet (UV-visible spectroscopy) wavelengths, spectroscopy plays a vital role in various scientific fields. Explore how spectroscopy drives innovation and discovery across diverse research areas.

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Alifax S.r.L.

Next Generation Microorganism Identification - Reagent Free ATR-FTIR Microorganism Identification In One Minute.           Product under development. Not CE marked and not FDA registered. Not available for sale

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TSQ Altis™ MD Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Develop in vitro diagnostic tests for demanding quantitative analyses leveraging the enhanced sensitivity and remarkable speed and robustness of the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ MD Series Mass Spectrometer. The TSQ Altis MD Series mass spectrometer, a Class I medical device, offers superb analytical performance and features the maximum usability, sensitivity and robustness required for laboratory developed tests (LDTs) from c…

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OptiFlow Quant solution


Now you can achieve high sensitivity quantitation without sacrificing throughput and robustness with the all-new OptiFlow Quant solution from SCIEX. We open up new possibilities by combining the new easy-to-use OptiFlow Turbo V source and the powerful M5 microLC system. You will gain significant signal-to-noise advantages while avoiding the hassle and complexity of a low flow assay setup.  

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MPX 2.0 High Throughput Multiplexing system


When you need to maximize throughput, the MPX 2.0 High Throughput system is what you need. The MPX 2.0 High Throughput system takes advantage of the downtime between injections from your LC and multiplexes two LC systems into one mass spec, doubling your throughput.  

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Turbo V source


The Turbo V source is considered the gold standard in mass spec ionization. The patented orthogonal design delivers outstanding ionization efficiency and robustness across many applications, covering flow ranges of 5 uL/min to 3 mL/min. This renowned ion source acts as the foundation on which SCIEX mass spec systems are built and serves as the inspiration for many of the ion sources that followed.  

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IonDrive Turbo V source


The IonDrive™ Turbo V source increases the capacity of the legendary Turbo V source, maintaining the simple orthogonal design but with higher capacity heaters and a wider sweet spot for enhanced sensitivity.

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OptiFlow Turbo V source


The robustness and simplicity you’ve come to expect from a traditional analytical flow can now be experienced in your high-sensitivity microflow and nanoflow analyses. We have made this possible with standard size finger-tight fittings, and a new single-click source interface – allowing you to effortlessly connect your LC, column, and mass spec. The OptiFlow source is equipped with intelligent probe recognition technology t…

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