High-Content Screening Products & Reviews

High-content screening (HCS), also known as high-content analysis (HCA), is a high-throughput technique used in drug discovery to identify substances that alter the phenotype of cells. HCS uses fluorescent microscopic imaging and automated image analysis to investigate cellular events such as apoptosis, cell viability, GPCR activation, oxide production, neurite outgrowth, and cell signaling. Find the best fluorescent labeling reagents, cellular assays, and high-content imaging systems in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Thermo Scientific Synaptogenesis Kit

The Synaptogenesis Kit enables simultaneous detection of neuronal population, neurite, pre-synaptic vesicle, post-synaptic puncta and synapse using a fixed end-point assay based on immunofluorescence detection in cells grown on standard high-density microplates.

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COPAS™ Large Particle Flow Cytometers

Union Biometrica, Inc.

COPAS instruments provide flow cytometry for objects that are too large for traditional cytometers and offer an alternative to manual sorting (under a microscope). These systems sort and dispense objects based on size and fluorescent parameters. Automating this process offers increased speed, sensitivity, quantification, and repeatability of experiments.

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BioSorter® Large Particle Flow Cytometer

Union Biometrica, Inc.

The BioSorter is a large particle flow cytometer designed to analyze, sort and dispense biological materials and other objects ranging in size from 10 to 1500 microns in diameter. The system is designed to handle objects which are too large or too fragile for traditional flow cytometers. Examples include small multicellular model organisms, delicate large cells / cell clusters, small seeds and beads used as microcarriers or fo…

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VLife Sciences Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

SCOPE, Structure-based compound optimization prioritization and evolution is an innovation from VLife to overcome challenges in lead optimization. SCOPE provides the user a way to address known problems like poor correlation between energy and activity, insensitive docking scoring functions for molecule prioritization and insufficient clues in ligand design for improvement in activity. SCOPE smartly understands the information…

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RapidFire Epigenetic Assay Development & Screening Services

Assays for methylases, acetylases, phosphorylases and other modifying enzymes involved in histone and chromatin modulation are developed and optimized by RapidFire scientists for primary and secondary screens. Although histone modifying enzymes can be difficult to analyze by traditional methods, label-free RapidFire technology is well suited to this novel and emerging class of targets.

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