Compound Analysis Products & Reviews


Compound analysis is used to discover specific compounds that could be promising candidates for pharmaceutical use. This potential is identified when compounds have the desired effect, such as interaction with a target protein, during high throughput screening.

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pCPC + HeiVap Platform


Add even more to your production with pCPC combined with the Heivap platform. This is a complex solution which enables complete solvent handling and allows the elimination of solvents and final polish of the product. The strategic partnership RotaChrom entered into with Heidolph comes with the possibility to combine the pCPC with Heidolph Heivap platform.  The scaled-up and extended system provides a versatile solution, while…

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DIVERSet Diversity Libraries

ChemBridge Corporation

Structurally diverse small molecule libraries with broad 3D pharmacophore coverage for hit identification ChemBridge offers two, complementary DIVERSet™ Libraries, each composed of 50,000 leadlike and druglike compounds. Both DIVERSet Libraries (the DIVERSet-EXP and the DIVERSet-CL) are designed to provide the greatest coverage of pharmacophore space within 50,000 compounds while maintaining chemical structure diversity. Th…

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