Metabolism Assays Products & Reviews


Metabolism Assays

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AbsoluteIDQ® p150 Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The AbsoluteIDQ p150 Kit identifies and quantifies 163 analytes from 4 compound classes, i.e., acyl carnitines, amino acids, glycerophospho- and sphingolipids and hexose using an FIA-MS/MS method.The p150 Kit is an excellent choice for researchers who are looking for a cost-effective solution to measure metabolites under quality-controlled conditions in their own laboratory. The AbsoluteIDQ® p150 Kit is an easy-to-use and accu…

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SOD Assay Kit - WST

NBS Biologicals Ltd.

SOD or SOD-like activity detection.  WST-1 based SOD inhibition assay, colourimetric microplate measurement, measures 100% inhibition by SOD, pH-independent IC50 determination, low background noise measurement.

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Biocrates® Vitamin D Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The Biocrates® Vitamin D Kit provides ready-to-use components for a LC-MS/MS-based assay and enables the quantitative measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. The inability to differentiate between 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 is the main drawback of immune-based techniques. The separate measurements are useful for both, clinical and research purposes. Moreover, the cross reactivity with…

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Biocrates® Bile Acids Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The Biocrates® Bile Acids Kit provides ready-to-use components for an LC-MS/MS-based assay and enables the quantitative measurement of a number of bile acids in human plasma/serum (16 human specific analytes) and mouse plasma samples (19 mouse specific analytes). From only 10 µL of human plasma/serum or mouse plasma 19 mouse specific bile acids 16 human specific bile acids Features: Ready to use components for all m…

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Metabolomic Products

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories

An innovative technology termed isotopic ratio outlier analysis (IROA) was developed to overcome the analytical challenges associated with current, stable isotope labeled compounds used in untargeted /targeted metabolic profiling.   These challenges minimally pertain to analytical variance, artifactual peaks, and metabolite identification. The IROA method uses metabolic incorporation of heavy (95% 13C) and light (5%…

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EVOC® Probes

Owlstone Medical

Exogenous volatile organic compound probes (EVOC Probes) enable targeted, non-invasive assessment of biological pathways. Probes are safe, easy to administer compounds that interact with characterised metabolic pathways with relevance to key disease areas. Using Breath Biopsy, EVOC Probes can be monitored non-invasively on breath, either alone or in parallel with biomarker discovery studies.

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CYRIS flox


CYRIS monitors and analyzes several key cellular parameters in real-time and label-free. Cell viability, metabolism, and morphology can be screened in a fully automated and atmosphere-controlled environment. The incubator integrated solution measures oxygen, pH, and cellular impedance in a multiwell plate and makes through a digital inverse microscope phase-contrast like live-cell images.

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GreenScreen HC - S9 (Human Cells) and Metabolic Activation

Gentronix Ltd.

In 2008 Gentronix launches a new S9 protocol to extend the application of the GreenScreen HC assay to include the detection of genotoxic metabolites. Many pharmaceuticals only present a genotoxicity hazard after metabolism and such chemicals are called pro-mutagens or pro-genotoxins. Generally, although not exclusively, the liver is considered responsible for the “metabolic activation” (MA) of promutagens. However, none of t…

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BlueScreen HC - S9

Gentronix Ltd.

BlueScreen HC uses a single cell strain, which permits 8 compounds to be tested across 8 dilutions (2-fold serial), together with untreated and positive controls, in one 96-well microplate. After arraying test compounds and dilutions, growing cells are added to each well. For studies without S9 metabolic activation data are collected after incubation (48h) using a multimode microplate reader. For studies incorporating S9 metab…

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