Sera Products & Reviews
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Gibco™ iMATCH™ Sera Lot Matching Tool
Thermo Fisher ScientificConfidently choose the right FBS without having to test
Corning® Donor Horse Serum, 100 mL, United States Origin
Corning Life SciencesDonor Horse Serum, United States Origin. Collected from a closed, controlled standing herd where each donor horse tested negative for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) per the Coggins Test. True pooled and 0.2 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Donor Horse Serum, 500 mL, United States Origin (Gamma Irradiated)
Corning Life SciencesDonor Horse Serum, United States Origin. Collected from a closed, controlled standing herd where each donor horse tested negative for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) per the Coggins Test. True pooled and 0.2 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Donor Horse Serum, 500 mL, United States Origin
Corning Life SciencesDonor Horse Serum, United States Origin. Collected from a closed, controlled standing herd where each donor horse tested negative for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) per the Coggins Test. True pooled and 0.2 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 500 mL, Regular, USDA approved Origin (Heat Inactivated)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, USDA Approved Origin.Collected at government approved harvest facilities in Mexico and Central America.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Validated process used to heat inactivate ser…
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 50 mL, Regular, Canadian Origin (Heat Inactivated)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, Canadian Origin.Collected at government registered facilities in Canada.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and is triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Validated process used to heat inactivate serum at 56°C ± 2°C for 30 minu…
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 500 mL, Regular, Canadian Origin
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, Canadian Origin.Collected at government registered facilities in Canada.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 500 mL, Regular, USDA Approved Origin
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, USDA Approved Origin.Collected at government approved harvest facilities in Mexico and Central America.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 500 mL, Premium, United States Origin (Ultra Low IgG)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, United States Origin.Collected at government approved abattoirs in the United States.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Affinity chromatography is used to reduce Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels to ≤ 5 µg/mL.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 100 mL, Regular, Canadian Origin
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, Canadian Origin.Collected at government registered facilities in Canada.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 500 mL, Regular, Canadian Origin (Heat Inactivated)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, Canadian Origin.Collected at government registered facilities in Canada.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and is triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Validated process used to heat inactivate serum at 56°C ± 2°C for 30 minu…
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 50 mL, Regular, USDA Approved Origin (Heat Inactivated)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, USDA Approved Origin.Collected at government approved harvest facilities in Mexico and Central America.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Validated process used to heat inactivate ser…
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 50 mL, Premium, United States Origin (Heat Inactivated)
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, United States Origin.Collected at government approved abattoirs in the United States.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.Granted a Certificate of Suitability, R0-CEP 2018-271, by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM).Validated process used to heat inactivate serum at 56°C ± 2°C for 30 minutes via bul…
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 50 mL, Regular, USDA Approved Origin
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, USDA Approved Origin.Collected at government approved harvest facilities in Mexico and Central America.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Fetal Bovine Serum, 50 mL, Regular, Canadian Origin
Corning Life SciencesFetal Bovine Serum, Canadian Origin.Collected at government registered facilities in Canada.Exported from the country of origin accompanied with a Veterinarian Health Certificate and imported under a USDA-APHIS issued import permit.True pooled and triple 0.1 micron sterile filtered that passes sterility, mycoplasma, and 9CFR viral testing requirements.
Corning® Clever Calf Serum, 50 mL, United States Origin
Corning Life SciencesClever Calf Serum is an engineering calf serum alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum that contains proprietary growth supplements to stimulate cell growth and proliferation with a broad range of cell types. It contains a lower cost serum that is abundant in supply ensuring constant availability. Clever Calf Serum is designed specifically to replace FBS and can be used in the same concentrations.. Sera Processing Using industry l…
Corning® Clever Calf Serum, 1L, United States Origin
Corning Life SciencesClever Calf Serum is an engineering calf serum alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum that contains proprietary growth supplements to stimulate cell growth and proliferation with a broad range of cell types. It contains a lower cost serum that is abundant in supply ensuring constant availability. Clever Calf Serum is designed specifically to replace FBS and can be used in the same concentrations.. Sera Processing Using industry l…