Labware and Lab Supplies Products & Reviews
Labware and lab supplies include various forms of glassware, plasticware, reagents and personal protective equipment (PPE) and are used across all scientific laboratories, enabling daily tasks to be performed. Explore a range of flasks and beakers, petri dishes, carboys and storage bottles. Labware such as condensers, desiccators and burettes are also available for more specific tasks. Find the best labware and lab supplies in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.
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Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc.Myriocin is a small-molecule inhibitor of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPTLC), isolated from the Mycelia sterilia thermophilic fungus, with immunosuppressive properties.
Specimen Cups
Integrity Products, Inc.Our Specimen Cups are manufactured at our facility in the United States and offer the industry the "gold" standard in specimen cups. Our specimen containers provide the combination of a great seal at a competitive price all while reducing the amount of plastic used in our cups.
InterscienceRollBag is a sampling bag with a sticker closure for sample collection, transport and analysis of all types of samples from the sampling site to the laboratory. The different sizes adapt to all types of any liquid or solid sample.
Seal-Rite® 1.5 mL Microcentrifuge Tubes
USA Scientific, Inc.Seal-Rite 1.5 mL tubes are multi-taskers that are designed for all phases of your work. Protect your samples from evaporation, leakage, accidental opening, or breakage during boiling, freezing, centrifugation, or phenol/chloroform procedures. 500/pack.
Planet-Safe® Cell Culture Dishes, 100 x 15mm, 375/cs
Diversified Biotech100% Plant-Based cell culture dishes
SI Analytics Titrator TitroLine® 7000 Automatic titrator with exchangeable head
XylemAutomatic Titrator with exchangeable heads for potentiometry
MitoTracker™ Dyes for Mitochondria Labeling
Thermo Fisher ScientificRosamine & carbocyanine-based staining dyes MitoTracker Orange CMTMRos, Red CMXRos, Orange CM-H2TMRos, Red CM-H2XRos, Red FM, Green FM, & Deep Red FM enable mitochondria visualization with fluorescent imaging. These mitochondria dyes are specially packaged in vials of 50 μg each to create freshly reconstituted dyes without the impact of freeze-thaw cycles to aid in a simplified sample prep for cell analysis workflow.