High-Throughput Screening Products & Reviews

High-throughput screening (HTS) is an automated drug discovery technique for identification of active compounds against a compound library. Use HTS readers and integrated assay preparation / analysis workstations to screen your compounds. Identify active compounds against various HTS libraries, including membranes, proteins and peptides and HTS cell lines. Find the best high-throughput screening products in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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InsituPro VSi

Intavis Inc.

The InsituPro VSi is INTAVIS’ next generation instrument for automated in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry – it represents the third generation of the InsituPro product line. The InsituPro VSi maintains the flexibility and versatility of the InsituPro VS but additionally features a number of functions often requested by our customers such as a buffer preheating for posthybridization washes and more flexibility in te…

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Absolute Automation Is True Walk-Away Freedom for: ■ Sample Preparation ■ Sample Processing ■ Results Analysis Only the TIGRIS® DTS™ System, with Absolute Automation, automates all phases of molecular diagnostics testing from sample preparation, amplification, and detection to reporting results. Integrating the TIGRIS DTS System with APTIMA® assay kits for nucleic acid testing (NAT) offers true freedom from hands-on processing…

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easyPunch STARlet - Automated Sample Punching and Processing

Hamilton Company

For DMPK sample card punching and pipetting. The easyPunch STARlet consists of a STARlet Autoload liquid handling workstation comprising 4 ndependent 1 ml channels, a card and plate gripper and the punch module.  computer with Hamilton enus software and 4 specific predefined methods is included as well.The system can be used for a variety of different applications e. g. forensic reference databasing, MPK and toxicology studie…

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ProteoPlex™ 16-well Human Cytokine Array Kit


The ProteoPlex™ 16-Well Human Cytokine Array Kit is designed for multiplex detection and measurement of 12 important human cytokines in parallel from up to 15 experimental samples. The combination of advanced surface chemistry, well-characterized capture agents, and a highly-sensitive fluorescence-based detection system provides a robust method for comparing relative cytokine abundance or cytokine quantification in serum sampl…

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GST and 6HIS tag check kits

Cisbio Bioassays

An easy way to assess tag accessibilityThe production of fusion proteins often raises the issues not only of their structural integrity after isolation, but also of the accessibility of the associated tag. In the case of GST or 6HIS tagged proteins, this verification can be achieved with HTRF® GST and 6HIS check kits. These two assays are competitive immunoassays in which the anti-GST or anti-6HIS Cryptate conjugates bind dire…

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Cortisol assay kit

Cisbio Bioassays

A rapid and sensitive homogeneous assay for cortisol assessmentThe HTRF® cortisol assay can be used for the quantification of cortisol in rodent serum, or directly on cells. This assay has also been validated for 11-beta HSD1 screening on whole cells or microsomes.The assay requires only 2 reagent additions, followed by an incubation period of 2 hours at room temperature. It has a detection limit of 70 pg/mL (e.g. 2 fmol/well…

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Cryptate labeling kit

Cisbio Bioassays

A straightforward tool for biomolecular labeling with Europium cryptateThe Cryptate labeling kit includes all the necessary materials to allow rapid Cryptate labeling of various biomolecules and purification. The labeling reagent Eu3+-TBP-NHS Cryptate is suitable for labeling peptides, proteins, and oligonucleotides, as well as small molecules containing amino groups (N-terminus or lysine residues). The labeling procedure requ…

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HTRF® reagent toolbox

Cisbio Bioassays

A range of HTRF® conjugates for assay developmentHTRF®  toolbox assembles a panel of detecting reagents such as Streptavidin-XLlent!, anti-tag antibodies like Eu-Cryptate anti-GST, 6HIS, DNP and anti species conjugated antibodies offering many possibilities for the study of molecular mechanisms. All reagents are available as Cryptate-Europium or XL665 (the two HTRF tracers) conjugates, to allow easy assay development. These re…

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Cytokine cell-based assay kits

Cisbio Bioassays

Streamlined single plate protocols including all stimulation and cytokine quantification.The HTRFâ cytokine kit line includes TNFa, IFNg, IL1b, IL6 and IL8 assays. These assays feature no separation steps, a high sensitivity and dynamics, and no use of isotopes. Procedures are performed on a single plate with simultaneous cell stimulation and cytokine detection. They can all be run under a similar experimental procedure stream…

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IP-One Assay Kit

Cisbio Bioassays

A new secondary messenger for Gq coupled receptor investigation.Cisbio’s IP-One assay, based on its proprietary HTRF® technology, is the first HTS immunoassay that can easily detect inositol(1)phosphate (IP1), a stable second messenger which tightly correlates with Gq-coupled receptor activity. This assay displays all the characteristic advantages of an HTRF® system: totally homogeneous, detection via fluorescence, signal stab…

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