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Seahorse XF Plasma Membrane Permeabilizer

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent Seahorse XF Plasma Membrane Permeabilizer (PMP) is a proprietary reagent that permeabilizes intact cells in culture. It selectively targets the cellular plasma membrane while leaving the mitochondrial membrane intact. This selectivity enables the detailed characterization of key components in mitochondrial function including transporters, enzymes, and electron transport chain complexes.

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Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit

Agilent Technologies

Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit measures human (Hu) T cell activation response within several minutes of stimulation using Seahorse XF Analyzers. This is accomplished via measuring proton efflux rates (PER) associated with glycolytic pathway-dependent energy production, and is built on the principle that T cell activation is accompanied by a rapid switch in cellular energy production and intermediate demand…

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Seahorse XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Kit and FAO Substrate

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent Seahorse XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Kit provides validated reagents to measure long chain fatty acid oxidation (FAO) via assessing changes in oxygen consumption (OCR) in intact cells. The kit includes the XF Palmitate-BSA FAO Substrate, L-carnitine, etomoxir, as well as oligomycin, FCCP, and rotenone/antimycin A to determine the intrinsic rate and capacity of a cell to oxidize palmitate in the absence or l…

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Cell Culture & Imaging Microplates

Agilent Technologies

Agilent offers a new microplate product line to support cell culture and imaging. These high-quality polystyrene products provide superb optical clarity and comply with ANSI standards for compatibility with automated processing systems. TC surface treatment enhances cell attachment while the included lid maintains a sterile growth environment with low risk of cross-contamination. The product designs feature easy stacking, alp…

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SureSelect Cancer CGP Assay ​

Agilent Technologies

SureSelect Cancer CGP assay offers comprehensive genomic profiling for solid tumors. This pan-cancer NGS panel enables detection of somatic variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), copy number variants (CNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), translocations (TLs), gene fusions, and the immuno-oncology biomarkers TMB (tumor mutational burden) and MSI (microsatellite instability).

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  • Best New Life Sciences Product of the Year
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Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Agilent Technologies

The Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis is a double beam spectrophotometer featuring new and unique measurement capabilities that can be deployed in regulated environments. The system performs ambient and temperature-controlled experiments with air-cooled Peltier temperature control, and it accurately analyzes low volume samples—providing in-depth analysis by collecting up to 250 data points per second. The xenon flash lamp—complete with…

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xCELLigence RTCA HT-BioTek BioSpa8 – Screening Model

Agilent Technologies

Integration of the xCELLigence Real Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) HT instrument with the BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator expands the screening throughput of your RTCA HT instrument to eight 384-well plates. Label-free high-throughput xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis is ideal for screening viral mediated cytopathic effects (CPE), neutralizing antibodies, antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC), and compound mediated cytotoxi…

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  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year
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Agilent Pursuit XRs Diphenyl HPLC Columns

Agilent Technologies

100Å pore size, high ligand density;  available in 1.0, 2.0,  3.0, 4.6 and 10 mm ids;  30 - 250 mm lengths. Pursuit columns are ideal for pharmaceutical applications using LC/MS, from analyzing lead compounds and biological samples in drug discovery, to implementing dependable analysis of raw materials and approved drugs in the QC process.  Build on the large 200A pore size silica, high liquid density delivers up to 40% faster…

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Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling Control (LHC) Software

Agilent Technologies

Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling Control (LHC) software is a powerful yet flexible interface for use with Agilent BioTek washers, dispensers, and combination liquid handling systems. LHC software makes it easy to program even the most complex protocols with a choice of deployment. These protocols can be run directly from the computer or downloaded to the instrument for convenient onboard recall and operation.

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Bond Elut Plexa

Agilent Technologies

Advanced Polymer Technology for Simplified SPE   Bond Elut Plexa offers simple, easy-to-use methods with general purpose extraction mechanisms to simplify SPE. In addition, Plexa provides performance enhancements due to a unique polymeric architecture with a non-retentive, hydroxylated, amide-free surface and a non-polar PS/DVB core for retaining small molecules. Binding of proteins and lipids on the polymer surface is minimiz…

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Bond Elut Plexa PCX

Agilent Technologies

Polymeric Cation Exchange for Simplified SPE   Bond Elut Plexa PCX is a further milestone in the development of simple and robust SP methods. Plexa PCX uses a polymeric cation exchange resin that combines the outstanding properties of Bond Elut Plexa - superior flow characteristics and improved analytical performance - with strong cation exchange functionalities. This mixed-mode SPE sorbent removed neutral and acidic interfere…

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Agilent 1290 Infinity III Evaporative Light Scattering Detector

Agilent Technologies

The 1290 Infinity III Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD) is ideal for reproducible, sensitve detection of both volatile and nonvolatile compounds that cannot be detected by UV. A unique peltier cooled evaporator coupled with an original gas flow design allow subambient operation down to 10 °C. This delivers maximum sensitivity for compounds with significant volatility below 30 °C.

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Bond Elut OMIX

Agilent Technologies

Pipette Based SPE      Bond Elut OMIX pipette tips reliably purify and enrich femtomole and picomole levels of peptides and proteins prior to MALDI-TOF or LC/MS/MS. The unique monolithic sorbent technology used in Bond Elut OMIX consistently outperforms other tips by delivering uniform flow and strong analyte-to-surface interactions. Available in three formats, Bond Elut OMIX tips bind more peptides to deliver better sequence…

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Agilent Pursuit PAH (USP L1) HPLC Columns

Agilent Technologies

200A pore size;  available in 3.0 and 4.6  mm ids, and lengths from 50 - 250 mm. Pursuit columns are ideal for pharmaceutical applications using LC/MS, from analyzing lead compounds and biological samples in drug discovery, to implementing dependable analysis of raw materials and approved drugs in the QC process.  Build on the large 200A pore size silica, high liquid density delivers up to 40% faster separations without sacrif…

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Labware Racks

Agilent Technologies

Agilent Automation Solutions labware racks facilitate the transfer of labware between workstations, systems, or devices.The racks come in three styles and four different capacities.  The racks are universally compatible with both the BenchCel Microplate Workstation and the BioCel System.

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VWorks Automation Control

Agilent Technologies

Create new protocols, connect, and configure devices   Agilent VWorks Automation Control software is a complete and reliable solution for driving integrated laboratory automation throughout the discovery process. The VWorks software enables research enterprises to integrate a diverse group of devices such as robots, liquid handlers, readers, washers, and others to deliver a cohesive, integrated system that ensures maximum thro…

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Agilent Technologies

Agilent Bio-Monolith HPLC columns provide high resolution and rapid separations of antibodies (IgG, IgM), plasmid DNA, viruses, phages and other macro biomolecules. The product family offers strong cation exchange, strong and weak anion exchange, and Protein A phases.

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ZORBAX 80Å Extend-C18 (USP L1)

Agilent Technologies

"Extend-C18 columns incorporate a unique patented bidentate silane, combined with a double-endcapping process that protects the silica from dissolution at high pH - up to pH 11.5. Columns are best applied for separations of compounds that are either (1) basic and have little or no retention at low or intermediate pHs, (2) more stable or more soluble at high pH, or (3) basic and show poor peak shape at low or intermediate pH.…

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Direct Drive Robot

Agilent Technologies

One-person, one-touch teaching   Anyone can quickly teach the Agilent Direct Drive Robot (DDR) with the click of a button. At the center of the highly flexible and configurable BioCel System, the DDR is fast, precise, and designed with safety in mind. State-of-the-art direct drive technology reduces the number of moving parts, resulting in a robotic arm that has increased reliability and speed, moving smoothly with precision a…

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SureSelect DNA Capture Arrays

Agilent Technologies

Designed for smaller studies, the SureSelect DNA Capture Arrays complement Agilent's in-solution SureSelect Target Enrichment System, which is designed for medium to large-scale NGS studies of tens through thousands of samples, including automated high-throughput workflows.

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SureSelect Custom RNA

Agilent Technologies

Agilent’s market leading SureSelect platform provides a complete portfolio of catalog and custom products, providing the flexibility you need from discovery to follow-up studies. Agilent’s custom solutions offer the only available method for target enrichment of RNA, allowing you to target your regions of interest using our free web portal SureDesign. Custom solutions are available for DNA and RNA target enrichment. • The only…

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