Diabetes and Obesity ELISA Kits Products & Reviews
Diabetes and Obesity ELISA Kits
Selected Filters:
Insulin (Rat) EIA
Insulin (Rat) EIA, Format:ELISA / EIA, Sample Type:Serum, Plasma, Sample Size:10 µl, Size:96 Wells, Range:0.15 - 5.5 ng/ml, Sensitivity:0.124 ng/ml, Incubation Time:2 hours
Adiponectin (Multimeric) Control Set (3 Vial set with values for Total ADP, HMW, MMW and LMW)
Adiponectin (Multimeric) Control Set (3 Vial set with values for Total ADP, HMW, MMW and LMW)
Insulin EIA
The ALPCO Human Insulin ELISA employs a double monocolonal Ab format and is designed for the quantitative determination of insulin in serum or plasma. Sample Size:25 µl, Size:96 Wells, Range:3-200 ulU/ml, Sensitivity:0.798 ulU/ml, Incubation Time:2 hours
Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive EIA
Employing a double monocolonal Ab sandwich format for the quantitative determination of insulin, the ALPCO Rat Insulin line of ELISAs are designed to meet your sample needs. Sample Type:Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture, Sample Size:5µl or 25µl, Size:96 Wells, Range:0.15-5.5 or 0.02-1.0 ng/ml, Sensitivity:0.107 ng/ml (5µl), 0.002 ng/ml (25µl), Incubation Time:2 hours 30 minutes