PCR and Thermal Cycling Products & Reviews

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) kits and thermal cyclers are used for the <i>in vitro</i> amplification of DNA permitting subsequent analysis and experimental procedures. Explore a range of high-quality polymerase, primers and nucleotides or simplify your workflow with a PCR mastermix. Find reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and cDNA synthesis kits for RNA products and libraries. Quantitatively measure the amplification of DNA with real-time PCR (qPCR) and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) kits and systems, and discover automated PCR setup solutions to increase throughput. Alternative DNA amplification methods also include recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) kits. Find the best PCR kits and thermal cyclers and purification equipment in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR Master Mix

Agilent Technologies

Brilliant III qPCR and QRT-PCRE Master Mixes are more sensitive and faster via the quick-activating hot start and the engineered Taq-mutant. Brilliant III ultrafast maintains amplification efficiency, R2, dynamic range, and detection sensitivity. Shorter total cycle time.

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Brilliant II SYBR® Green QRT-PCR 2-Step Master Mix

Agilent Technologies

Brilliant SYBR® Green-based QPCR and QRT-PCR reagents provide a universal solution to real-time PCR detection and gene quantification. The SYBR Green dye binds specifically to double-stranded PCR products, without the need for sequence-specific probes.  Universal detection with SYBR® Green dye (included)  QRT-PCR master mix format provides convenience and fast throughput  Passive reference dye included in a separate tube…

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PicoMaxx High-Fidelity PCR System, 500U

Agilent Technologies

The PicoMaxx high fidelity PCR system reliably produces high PCR product yields on a wide variety of templates up to 10 kb. It also provides superior sensitivity by successfully amplifying samples where starting material is limited.  High sensitivity provides maximum PCR reliability  Consistent, robust amplification up to 10 kb  Superior efficiency and yield with our patented ArchaeMaxx polymerase-enhancing factor  Opti…

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MegaMan Human Transcriptome Library, 100 rxn

Agilent Technologies

The MegaMan human transcriptome library is a collection of cDNA created using mRNA from 66 diverse sources, including 32 from human tissues and 34 from human cancer cell lines. This human transcriptome library is ideal for cloning both well-characterized genes and transcripts previously identified by expressed sequence tag (EST) studies.  Largest comprehensive collection of the human transcriptome in a single tube  Enriched…

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