PCR and Thermal Cycling Products & Reviews

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) kits and thermal cyclers are used for the <i>in vitro</i> amplification of DNA permitting subsequent analysis and experimental procedures. Explore a range of high-quality polymerase, primers and nucleotides or simplify your workflow with a PCR mastermix. Find reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and cDNA synthesis kits for RNA products and libraries. Quantitatively measure the amplification of DNA with real-time PCR (qPCR) and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) kits and systems, and discover automated PCR setup solutions to increase throughput. Alternative DNA amplification methods also include recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) kits. Find the best PCR kits and thermal cyclers and purification equipment in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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SideStep II QRT-PCR Master Mix, 1-Step

Agilent Technologies

Our SideStep II QRT-PCR products deliver efficient cell lysis and sensitive quantitative gene expression analysis without RNA purification. Utilizing Agilent’s Brilliant QRT-PCR technology, multiple samples can be screened quickly and easily. The one-step process results in RNA stabilized for up to 6 months.

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SideStep Lysis and Stabilization Buffer, 10 ml

Agilent Technologies

Our SideStep Lysis and Stabilization Buffer ensures accurate gene expression analysis by eliminating sample loss and degradation. The proprietary buffer lyses cells and immediately stabilizes the released nucleic acid for months. Several formats are available to enhance research versatility.

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PAQ5000 2X PCR Master Mix

Agilent Technologies

The Paq5000 DNA polymerase is a robust Taq substitute that is derived from a Pyrococcus species. This enzyme provides equivalent and often better performance to endpoint Taq DNA polymerase amplification and can be substituted easily into many Taq-based procedures.  Robust, cost-effective alternative to Taq  Equal to better yield with faster cycling conditions  Amplify up to 6 kb genomic DNA targets  Easily substituted…

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TaqPlus Precision PCR System

Agilent Technologies

The TaqPlus Precision polymerase mixture is an optimized blend of Stratagene cloned Pfu DNA polymerase and Taq2000 DNA polymerase, a highly purified, recombinant version of Taq DNA polymerase. The TaqPlus Precision PCR system exhibits the highest replication accuracy achieved using DNA polymerase mixtures.

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Easy-A High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

Agilent Technologies

Easy-A Hi-Fi Cloning Enzyme & Master Mix combines the higher accuracy of a proofreading enzyme with the high cloning efficiency of Taq. PCR products amplified with the Easy-A can be cloned directly, without performing additional steps typically required when amplifying with proofreading polymerases.

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AffinityScript QPCR cDNA Synthesis Kit

Agilent Technologies

The AffinityScript qPCR cDNA Synthesis Kit offers efficient conversion of RNA to cDNA. Fully optimized for real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) applications, the kit utilizes our qPCR-grade AffinityScript Multiple Temperature Reverse Transcriptase. It includes a buffer system optimized for real-time qPCR.

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Just cDNA Double-Stranded Synthesis Kt

Agilent Technologies

The Just cDNA Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit generates high-quality, blunt-ended cDNA, perfect for use in non-directional cDNA libraries.  Makes blunt double-stranded cDNA  Can be used for in vitro transcription  Perfect for nondirectional cDNA libraries

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