PCR and Thermal Cycling Products & Reviews

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) kits and thermal cyclers are used for the <i>in vitro</i> amplification of DNA permitting subsequent analysis and experimental procedures. Explore a range of high-quality polymerase, primers and nucleotides or simplify your workflow with a PCR mastermix. Find reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and cDNA synthesis kits for RNA products and libraries. Quantitatively measure the amplification of DNA with real-time PCR (qPCR) and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) kits and systems, and discover automated PCR setup solutions to increase throughput. Alternative DNA amplification methods also include recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) kits. Find the best PCR kits and thermal cyclers and purification equipment in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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QuikHyb Rapid Hybridization Solution

Agilent Technologies

QuikHyb hybridization solution was developed for use in Southern, Northern, slot-blot and plaque-lift formats using randomly labeled radioactive and nonradioactive nucleic acid probes.  Reduces hybridization time from customary 12-24 hours to 1-2 hours  Efficient and sensitive radioactive and nonradioactive detection of nucleic acids  Doubles signal intensity

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Taq Extender PCR Additive

Agilent Technologies

Taq Extender PCR additive improves the reliability and yield of conventional Taq-based PCR amplifications. Taq Extender additive increases the efficiency of Taq DNA polymerase extension reactions during each cycle of PCR by reducing mismatch pausing, resulting in a greater percentage of completed extension reactions.

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Deoxynucleotide Mix, PCR-Grade

Agilent Technologies

The PCR grade deoxynucleotide mix includes 25 mM of each standard dNTP (GATC) for use with any PCR application, including real-time quantitative PCR. These reactions buffers contain the optimal magnesium concentration for efficient PCR.

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Universal miRNA Reference Kit

Agilent Technologies

The Universal Human miRNA Reference RNA is an ideal reference control for miRNA microarray or miRNA-targeted QRTPCR experiments. The Agilent miRNA Kit may also be used as an optimization or standardization reagent for human miRNA analysis. Available in industrial lots for high throughout applications.

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Agilent Technologies

Identify fish species quickly, easily, and accurately. Whether your samples are fresh, frozen, dried, salted, or minced, Agilent’s DNA Fish Species Identification solution provides reliable, robust answers within hours. And, the method is far more accurate than looking at a fish and guessing.

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xxpress™ Thermal Cycler


With a uniform thermal ramp rate of over 10°C per second xxpress™ is the fastest real-time thermocycler in the World delivering 40 cycle q-PCR in under 10 minutes. And whilst not all PCR chemistries are yet as fast as this system there are a number that repeatably and reliably work at this speed. Ultra low thermal mass and high conductively enable the patented resistive heating system deliver this speed cycle more efficiently…

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Arrayed BAC library

Bio S&T

An arrayed or non-arrayed BAC library is the preferred choice for downstream applications such as hybridization screening; full-genome sequencing; BAC end sequencing or physical mapping projects. Amount of clones received is based on a guaranteed coverage and 120Kb average insert size. HMW DNA isolation and QC by HMW DNA enzymatic digestion are included. Deliverables for ARRAYED BAC library: Clones will be arrayed and amplifie…

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Screened BAC library

Bio S&T

A pooled BAC library is an invaluable tool for PCR-screening. It allows for the easy retrieval of BAC clones of interest. This type of library is especially useful when genome size is large and creating an arrayed library is cost-prohibitive. We typically construct a minimum 5X BAC library and BAC clones are then pooled and distributed in 96-well plates. Each well will contain about 400-500 original BAC clones. HMW DNA isolati…

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Normalized cDNA libraries

Bio S&T

Our cDNA libraries feature full-length-enriched and high quality size-fractionated cDNA. cDNA library construction is usually done in slightly-modified versions of pBluescript or pcDNA3.1. Insert sizes will range from about 0.5Kb to 4Kb. Concerning QC steps, we evaluate the average insert size, empty clone rate and clone concentration/tube before shipping out. We always provide a gel picture of randomly selected clones showing…

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