1-day Chromatrap® Spin Column Assay for Rapid ChIP Analyses

12 Jan 2015

Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a versatile tool for identifying protein-DNA associations. The procedure can, however, be time consuming, requiring tedious optimization of several reaction conditions and up to two overnight incubations (first for antibody binding to the target and then for reversing the cross-linked immunoprecipitated DNA). The Chromatrap® 1-day ChIP method presents a quicker alternative that allows the IP assay and data analysis to be completed in just 6 hours enabling more ChIP assays to be performed daily. This application note demonstrates the use of the rapid Chromatrap® 1-day spin column protocol for analyzing the high abundant antibody binding efficiency of RNA Pol II onto target genes of interest (GAPDH and β-globin) in endometrial epithelial, cervical and leukemic cancer cells.

