A guide to efficient and greener cannabinoid purification

Discover the inherent benefits of centrifugal partition chromatography for cannabinoid research and production

25 Oct 2021

Chromatography technologies never stand still, and the leading purveyors of separation techniques are continually innovating in this space. Driven by the ever-growing demands from industry for precision, speed, economy, and increasingly sustainable approaches, manufacturers are now looking beyond classical liquid chromatography techniques to support scalable research and production with a focus on reducing chemical waste.

Centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) is one technique that promises real solutions which can serve the needs of laboratory and small-scale development work through to the bioprocessing of end products at full industrial scale. In this eBook, we look at several applications of CPC solutions from Gilson to help you understand the versatility and benefits of this technology. Learn from experts how CPC works and how it can be harnessed in the high-throughput purification of multiple cannabinoids.

