A Streamlined Solution for the Construction of ChIP-Seq Libraries from Picogram Amounts of DNA

A Streamlined Solution for the Construction of ChIP-Seq Libraries from Picogram Amounts of DNA

24 Dec 2015

ChIP-Seq, chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by next-generation sequencing (NGS), is a valuable method enabling the study of DNA interactions with proteins, such as transcription factors and histone modifications. In ChIP-Seq workflows, proteins bound to DNA fragments of interest are enriched through formaldehyde crosslinking and targeted antibody selection, commonly known as immunoprecipitation. The enriched DNA is then purified and used as input into NGS library construction in preparation for sequencing. This application note demonstrates the use of the KAPA Hyper Prep Kit to offer a streamlined and effective solution for the construction of ChIP-Seq NGS libraries from ultra-low DNA inputs.

