Allowable Adjustments to European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) Methods

31 Mar 2022

The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), of the Council of Europe is a pharmacopoeia, listing a wide range of active substances and excipients used to prepare pharmaceutical products in Europe. It includes general and specific monographs that give quality standards for all the main medicines used in Europe. All medicines sold in the 38 Member States of the European Pharmacopoeia must comply with these quality standards so that consumers have a guarantee for products obtained from pharmacies and other legal suppliers. It is widely understood that all HPLC packings are not alike, and no single column can perform a myriad of desired separations. HPLC packings differ in hydrophobicity, surface coverage, surface area, pore size, and particle shape. In this application note, find out which column is right for you.

