ResourceLife Sciences
An In Vivo Non-Invasive Method to Determine Glomerular Filtration Rate
18 Aug 2014Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the gold standard in kidney function assessment and is used to determine progression of kidney disease and drug-induced kidney toxicity. One of the most accepted ways to assess GFR is by measuring the rate of disappearance of labeled inulin from the blood. This application note demonstrates the use of a new near infrared (NIR) fluorescent-labeled form of inulin (GFR-Vivo™ 680) in a spectral region providing low background and high tissue penetration (ex/em = 670/685 nm) for in vivo application. Imaging and analysis techniques are described, and the data generated in normal and uninephrectomized mice show clear data in agreement with the range of published GFR values.