
Analysis of a Tintoretto stratigraphy with micro-FTIR spectroscopy

12 Dec 2023

In this application note, Thermo Fisher Scientific presents an analysis of a painting sample (stratigraphy) from Tintoretto's work at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice, Italy. The goal was to verify the composition of its five pictorial layers. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was employed to investigate the stratigraphy structure, specifically identifying binders, pigments, and other materials used in the preparation layers. The study aimed to determine the presence of oil as a binder in the top layer, tempera grassa in the intermediate layer, and the components of the greenish layer. Additionally, the analysis sought to identify the pigments and binders in the earth pigments of the ground/preparation layer. Spectral libraries facilitated the easy identification of acquired spectra, making FTIR spectroscopy a valuable tool in art restoration for exploring stratigraphy.

