
Analysis of saccharides in high fructose corn syrup by HPLC with refractive index detection

10 Mar 2023

There are many uses for HPLC as a monitoring and quality control tool in the various wet corn milling processes. One example is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an ingredient often used as a substitute for sucrose in a wide variety of products which have high demands for production efficiency and product consistency. In this application note, learn more about how regulatory compliance and product consistency are ensured. Manufacturers need to implement robust analytical methods to determine the saccharide composition of high fructose corn syrups. One widely used industry method is SACCH.03 from the Analytical Methods of the Member Companies of the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) which relies on HPLC coupled to refractive index (RI) detection for the measurement of saccharide content.

