Automated liquid handling miniaturization for genomics applications

13 Jun 2024

Genomics research has come a long way in recent years, supported by ever-evolving technologies which aim to mitigate on-going challenges such as increased R&D costs, achieving greater throughput, and the need for reproducible and reliable experimental results.

Miniaturization has been a major step forward in tackling issues with laborious manual sample preparation and is particularly feasible for next-generation sequencing library preparation due to the sensitivity and precision of the enzymes involved.

In this eBook, discover how SPT Labtech’s automated platforms are revolutionizing liquid handling and providing consistency across multiple users within the same facility, or even across different sites.

Download the eBook to learn about:

  • Key automation & miniaturization considerations
  • Miniaturization & automation of NGS library prep
  • Miniaturized assays for high-throughput screening
  • Accurate, miniaturized DNA quantification assays
  • Low-volume, single-cell RNA-seq library prep
  • Proven miniaturization of NGS methods with the ‘dynamic duo’

