Automation of iPSC culture, passaging, and expansion with the Automated Cell Culture System

29 Jul 2024

iPSC-derived cell models are a popular tool enabling scientists to generate different cell types, organoids and tissues. Stem cells are also widely used to create disease-specific phenotypes with CRISPR gene editing to discover new drug targets using patient-derived samples. However, the process is often limited by labor-intensive and highly demanding culturing steps. To alleviate the limitations that come with labor-intensive protocols, Molecular Devices has developed the™ Automated Cell Culture System. This new solution automates the entire cell culture process with an integrated incubator, liquid handler, and AI-powered, image-based decision-making. This hands-off system manages feeding and passaging schedules by monitoring the development of cell cultures with periodic imaging and analysis, and leverages machine learning to initiate passaging, endpoint assay, or troubleshooting steps. Explore results from the automation of commonly used iPSC culture protocols, including cluster or single-cell passaging.

