ResourceGeneral Lab

Comparison of EZ-Fit™ Filtration Units and Competitor Filtration Units to Assess Microbiological Recovery

Comparison of EZ-Fit™ Filtration Units and Competitor Filtration Units to Assess Microbiological Recovery

23 Nov 2015

In this study the EZ-Fit™ Filtration Units were evaluated in comparison with four filtration units from two competitors. EZ-Fit Filtration Units are ideal for use in product, raw material and in-process testing, typically performed according to USP <61>, and water testing according to USP <1231>. USP <61> specifies tryptic soy agar (TSA) for total aerobic microbial counts (TAMC) and Sabouraud dextrose agar (4%) for total yeast and mold counts (TYMC). In addition, USP <1231> recommends that purified waters for pharmaceutical purposes should be tested with a low nutrient agar such as R2A agar.

