CRISPR Screening in Primary T Cells

1 Mar 2019

These slides detail the discussion from the Horizon Discovery webinar on CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) screening in primary T cells.

In these slides from the webinar, Cristina Ghirelli, immuno-oncology manager at Horizon Discovery, discusses the development of a pipeline to perform pooled CRISPR screening in primary T cells through a combined lentiviral and electroporation approach. With a protocol validated using culture settings previously published in Jurkat T cells (Birsoy et al., 2015), Horizon Discovery treated primary T cells were used to identify new metabolic targets involved in cell proliferation control and survival. Next-generation sequencing data not only confirmed some Jurkat hits, but also revealed new specific T cell targets.

<<You can watch the webinar here>>
