CyGEL<sup>TM</sup> in Immunofluorescence: Mounting Non-Adherent Cells / Fragile Objects

27 Sept 2015

Immunofluorescence microscopy allows the detailed 2-D examination of adherent cell phenotypes and tissue sections that have been preserved by fixation with formaldehyde or similar. The problem arises when non-adherent cells are to be analysed by fluorescence microscopy. Also, in the case of fragile tissue pieces these can be damaged by efforts to make them mount flat after already processing them for immunofluorescence labeling. An alternative provided by CyGELTM is to capture all cells after staining in an immobilizing, optically compatible hydrogel which can then be deposited into a slide or chambered coverslip. The use of CyGELTM in mounting adherent cells/fragile objects for imaging is described in this application note.

